- dextrorotatory
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dextrorotatory — Dex tro*ro ta*to*ry, a. [Dextro + rotatory.] (Chem. & Opt.) Turning, or causing to turn, toward the right hand; esp., turning the plane of polarization of luminous rays toward the right hand; as, dextrorotatory crystals, sugars, etc. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dextrorotatory — [deks΄trōrōt′ə rēdeks΄trōrōt′ə tôr΄ē] adj. 1. turning or circling to the right, in a clockwise direction 2. that turns the plane of polarized light to the right or clockwise: said of certain compounds, etc.: Also dextrorotary [deks΄trōrōt′ə rē] … English World dictionary
dextrorotatory — adjective Date: circa 1872 turning clockwise or toward the right; specifically rotating the plane of polarization of light toward the right < dextrorotatory crystals > compare levorotatory … New Collegiate Dictionary
dextrorotatory — Denoting dextrorotation, or certain crystals or solutions capable of such action; as a chemical prefix, usually abbreviated d . Cf.:levorotatory. * * * dex·tro·ro·ta·to·ry rōt ə .tōr ē, .tȯr also dex·tro·ro·ta·ry rōt ə rē adj turning clockwise… … Medical dictionary
dextrorotatory — dex•tro•ro•ta•to•ry [[t]ˌdɛk stroʊˈroʊ təˌtɔr i, ˌtoʊr i[/t]] also dex•tro•ro•ta•ry [[t] ˈroʊ tə ri[/t]] adj. opt turning to the right, esp. rotating to the right of the plane of polarization of light: dextrorotatory crystals[/ex] Symbol: d [/ex] … From formal English to slang
dextrorotatory isomer — dešinysis izomeras statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Izomeras, sukantis šviesos poliarizacijos plokštumą į dešinę. atitikmenys: angl. dextro isomer; dextrorotatory isomer rus. правовращающий изомер; правый изомер … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dextrorotatory tartaric acid — dešinioji vyno rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Vyno rūgšties enantiomeras, sukantis šviesos poliarizacijos plokštumą į dešinę, žymima (+). atitikmenys: angl. dextrorotatory tartaric acid; dextro tartaric acid rus. правая винная… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dextrorotatory — dextrorotation /dek stroh roh tay sheuhn/, n. /dek stroh roh teuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. Optics. turning to the right, as the rotation to the right of the plane of polarization of light in certain crystals and the like. Symbol: d Also,… … Universalium
dextrorotatory — adjective That rotates the plane of polarized light to the right, or clockwise. Syn: d Ant: levorotatory … Wiktionary
dextrorotatory — adj. turning toward the right, pertaining to a clockwise rotation … English contemporary dictionary
dextrorotatory — [ˌdɛkstrəʊ rəʊtət(ə)ri] adjective Chemistry (of a compound) having the property of rotating the plane of a polarized light ray to the right, i.e. clockwise facing the oncoming radiation. The opposite of laevorotatory. Derivatives dextrorotation… … English new terms dictionary