- dexiotropic
- закрученный вправо, дексиотропный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
dexiotropic — [dek΄sē ō träp′ik, dek΄sē əträp′ik] adj. [< Gr dexios, on or toward the right (for IE base see DEXTER) + TROPIC] spiraling to the right if viewed from the side: said as of the dextral whorls in most gastropod shells: opposed to LAEOTROPIC … English World dictionary
dexiotropic — adj. [Gr. dexios, on the right; trope, turn] A right turning spiral, as in shells … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dexiotropic — /dek see oh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. dextral (def. 3). [1880 85; < Gk dexi(ós) right (side) + O + TROPIC] * * * … Universalium
dexiotropic — dex·io·tro·pic (dek″se o troґpik) [Gr. dexios on the right + tropic] wound in a spiral from left to right, as a shell … Medical dictionary
dexiotropic — dex·io·trop·ic … English syllables
dexiotropic — … Useful english dictionary
læotropic — læotropic, a. (liːəʊˈtrɒpɪk) Also erron. leio . [f. Gr. λαιό ς left + τροπικ ός turning, f. τροπή a turn.] Turned or turning to the left: said of the whorls of a shell; opposed to dexiotropic. [see dexiotropic] … Useful english dictionary
laeotropic — adj. [Gr. laios, left; tropos, turn] Of or pertaining to the left; sinistral; opposed to dexiotropic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dextral — dextrally, adv. /dek streuhl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or on the right side; right (opposed to sinistral). 2. right handed. 3. Also, dexiotropic. Zool. (of certain gastropod shells) coiling clockwise, as seen from the apex. [1640 50; < L… … Universalium
laeotropic — /lee euh trop ik, troh pik/, adj. oriented or coiled in a leftward direction, as a left spiraling snail shell. Cf. dexiotropic. [1880 85; < Gk lai(ós) left, left side + O + TROPIC] * * * … Universalium
dextrotropic — Turning to the right. [dextro + G. tropos, a turn] * * * dex·tro·tro·pic (dek″stro troґpik) [dextro + tropic] turning to the right; see also dexiotropic … Medical dictionary