- dermal
- пал. дермальный, кожный 2. тект. покровный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dermal — Derm al, a. [From {Derm}.] 1. Pertaining to the integument or skin of animals; dermic; as, the dermal secretions. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Pertaining to the dermis or true skin. || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dermal — (zu gr. derma „Haut“; Synonyme: dermatisch, kutan[1]) ist ein medizinischer Fachbegriff. Das so Bezeichnete ist entweder der Haut zugehörig bzw. aus Anteilen der Haut gebildet oder wird auf bzw. über die Haut angewendet. Siehe auch Perkutan… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dermal — 1803; see DERM (Cf. derm) + AL (Cf. al) (1). A native formation, the Greek adjective would be dermatikos, yielding *dermatic … Etymology dictionary
dermal — [dʉr′məl] adj. of the skin or the dermis … English World dictionary
dermal — adjective Of or pertaining to skin or integument. The dermal muscles in the face are used to form expressions … Wiktionary
dermal — der|mal 〈Adj.〉 zur Haut gehörig [zu grch. derma „Haut“] * * * der|mal <Adj.> (Med.): die Haut betreffend, von ihr stammend, an ihr gelegen. * * * dermal, die Haut betreffend, von ihr stammend, an ihr gelegen. * * * der|mal <Adj.>… … Universal-Lexikon
dermal — dermis ► NOUN Anatomy ▪ the thick layer of the skin below the epidermis, consisting of living tissue. DERIVATIVES dermal adjective. ORIGIN Latin, suggested by epidermis … English terms dictionary
Dermal fibroblast — Dermal fibroblasts are cells that live within the dermis layer of skin which are responsible for generating connective tissue and allowing the skin to recover from injury.[1] Using organelles (particularly the rough endoplasmic reticulum), dermal … Wikipedia
Dermal papillae — Dermal papilla labeled at top Papilla of the hand, treated with acetic acid. Magnified 350 tim … Wikipedia
Dermal cylindroma — Classification and external resources Micrograph of a dermal cylindroma. H E stain. ICD O: M … Wikipedia
Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma — is characterized by a rounded, medallion like lesion on the upper trunk in which there is a proliferation of fusiform CD34, factor XIIIa positive cells in the mid and reticular dermis.[1]:613 See also Skin lesion References ^ James, William;… … Wikipedia