- dactylopod
- дактилоподит (дактилюс у высших раков)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
dactylopod(ite) — n. [Gr. daktylos, finger; pous, foot] (ARTHROPODA) 1. The terminal segment of a generalized leg or appendage usually claw like; the pretarsus. 2. For Crustacea see dactyl … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pretarsus — n. [L. prae, before; Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot] 1. (ARTHROPODA) The terminal segment of the leg of various arthropods, usually consisting of the lateral claws (ungues), and one or more pad like structures; dactyl; dactylopod(ite). 2.… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dactyl — Article 7 of pereopod (article six of cheliped) [Holdich and Jones, 1983]. Diastalmost segment of limb. (Syn. dactylopod(ite)) [Moore and McCormick, 1969]. Distalmost segment of usually 7 segmented appendage; smaller, mesially situated, and… … Crustacea glossary