- cyrtoconoid
- циртоконоидный (о раковине гастропод)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
cyrtoconoid — adj. [Gr. kyrtos, curved; konos, cone; eidos, like] Approaching a cone in shape, but with convex sides; see conoid, coeloconoid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
coeloconoid — adj. [Gr. koilos, hollow; konos, cone; eidos, form] Approaching conical but with concave sides; extraconic; see conoid, cyrtoconoid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
conoid — adj. [Gr. konos, cone; eidos, form] Having the form of a cone; conoidal; see cyrtoconoid, coeloconoid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology