- cyclolith
- циклолит (круглый или эллипсообразный кокколит)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
cyclolith — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ at cyclo +ˌlith noun ( s) Etymology: cycl + lith; translation of Welsh cromlech : cromlech 2 * * * cyclolith /sīˈklō lith/ noun A peristalith or stone circle … Useful english dictionary
cyclolith — stone circle Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary
cyclolith — cy·clo·lith … English syllables
arch — Synonyms and related words: Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, apse, arc, arcade, arcature, arch over, arched roof, archway, artful, astute, banner, bantam, barrow, basket handle arch, bend, bend back, bestraddle, bestride, bold, boundary stone … Moby Thesaurus
barrow — Synonyms and related words: anthill, arch, beehive tomb, boar, bone house, boundary stone, box grave, brae, brass, burial, burial chamber, burial mound, bust, butte, cairn, catacombs, cenotaph, charnel house, cist, cist grave, column, cromlech,… … Moby Thesaurus
brass — Synonyms and related words: ADC, CO, Establishment, German band, OD, Philharmonic, VIP, aide, aide de camp, alpenhorn, alphorn, althorn, alto horn, arch, aristocracy, aureate, ballad horn, band, baritone, baron, barons, barrow, bass horn, big… … Moby Thesaurus
bust — Synonyms and related words: abase, abasement, ado, apprehend, apprehension, arch, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, backfire, bad times, bag, bang, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barrow, bat, be ruined, become… … Moby Thesaurus
cairn — Synonyms and related words: arch, barrow, bench mark, bookmark, boundary stone, brass, bust, catstone, cenotaph, column, cromlech, cross, cup, cyclolith, dolmen, footstone, grave, gravestone, headstone, hoarstone, inscription, landmark,… … Moby Thesaurus
cenotaph — Synonyms and related words: arch, barrow, beehive tomb, bone house, boundary stone, box grave, brass, burial, burial chamber, burial mound, bust, cairn, catacombs, charnel house, cist, cist grave, column, cromlech, cross, crypt, cup, cyclolith,… … Moby Thesaurus
column — Synonyms and related words: KP, antenna tower, arcade, arch, army, army group, article, atlas, baluster, balustrade, banister, barbican, barrel, barrow, base, battalion, battery, battle group, belfry, bell tower, bole, book, boundary stone, brace … Moby Thesaurus
cross — Synonyms and related words: Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Cape Colored, Christogram, Eurasian, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, John Hancock, Latin cross, Malacca cane, Maltese cross, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, abjure … Moby Thesaurus