- borax bead
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Borax bead — Borax Bo rax, n. [OE. boras, fr. F. borax, earlier spelt borras; cf. LL. borax, Sp. borraj; all fr. Ar. b?rag, fr. Pers. b?rah.] A white or gray crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
borax bead — noun : a bead (sense 4f) having borax as the flux * * * Chem. a bead of fused borax, used in chemical analysis for the identification of certain metal oxides. * * * borax bead, a bead of fused borax, used especially in chemical analysis … Useful english dictionary
Borax bead test — The borax bead test is a traditional part of qualitative inorganic analysis to test for the presence of certain metals.A small loop is made in the end of a platinum wire (as used in the flame test) and heated in a Bunsen flame until red hot. It… … Wikipedia
borax bead — Chem. a bead of fused borax, used in chemical analysis for the identification of certain metal oxides. * * * … Universalium
borax bead test — noun in qualitative inorganic analysis, a test for the presence of certain metallic elements by observing the colours given to a bead of borax in a loop of platinum wire held in the oxidizing and reducing parts … Wiktionary
Bead — (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics to count… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bead and butt — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bead mold — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bead mould — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bead tool — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bead tree — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English