
криптовулканический, скрытовулканический

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "cryptovolcanic" в других словарях:

  • cryptovolcanic — /krip toh vol kan ik/, adj. Geol. of or pertaining to a rock structure providing indirect or incomplete evidence of volcanism. [1920 25; CRYPTO + VOLCANIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • cryptovolcanic — cryp·to·volcanic …   English syllables

  • cryptovolcanic — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Impact crater — The prominent impact crater Tycho on the Moon. In the broadest sense, the term impact crater can be applied to any depression, natural or manmade, resulting from the high velocity impact of a projectile with a larger body. In most common usage,… …   Wikipedia

  • Des Plaines crater — The Des Plaines crater or Des Plaines disturbance is recognized as an impact crater in Illinois, United States. It is located beneath the eastern part of the city of Des Plaines, which is a suburb of Chicago.[1][2] It is 5.5 miles (8.9 km)… …   Wikipedia

  • Piccaninny crater — refers to an impact structure (or astrobleme), the eroded remnant of a former impact crater, situated in northern Western Australia. It was named after Piccaninny Creek and lies within the Purnululu (Bungle Bungle) National Park. The site is… …   Wikipedia

  • Manson crater — Main article: Iowa geology Manson impact location shown in red on bedrock map of Iowa. The Manson impact crater is near the site of Manson, Iowa where an asteroid or comet nucleus struck the Earth during the Cretaceous Period, 74 Ma (million …   Wikipedia

  • Cryptoexplosion — The term cryptoexplosion structure (or cryptovolcanic structure) means an explosion of unknown cause. The term is now largely obsolete. It was once commonly used to describe sites where there was geological evidence of a large scale explosion… …   Wikipedia

  • Jeptha Knob — (elevation 1,188 ft or 362 m) is the highest point in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. It is located in Shelby County, Kentucky, about eight miles east of Shelbyville near the hamlet of Clay Village and rises some 300 ft (90 m) higher than the… …   Wikipedia

  • Walter Hermann Bucher — Dr. Walter Hermann Bucher (March 12, 1889 ndash;February 17, 1965) was a German American geologist and paleontologist.He was born in Akron, Ohio of Swiss German parents. The family then returned to Germany where he was raised. In 1911 he was… …   Wikipedia

  • Cratère de Vredefort — Dôme de Vredefort Dôme de Vredefort Dôme de Vredefort Localisation Astre Terre Coordonnées …   Wikipédia en Français

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