
криптомелан, K(Mn2+, Mn4+)eOi6

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "cryptomelane" в других словарях:

  • cryptomelane — cryp·to·melane …   English syllables

  • cryptomelane — ˌkriptə+ noun ( s) Etymology: crypt + melane : a mineral consisting of an oxide of manganese and potassium, prob. KMn8O16.H2O, common in manganese ores …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of minerals C-E (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… …   Wikipedia

  • Classification of minerals — This list gives an overview of the classification of minerals (non silicates) and includes mostly IMA recognized minerals and its groupings. This list complements the alphabetical list on List of minerals (complete) and List of minerals. Rocks,… …   Wikipedia

  • OXYDES ET HYDROXYDES NATURELS — Une trentaine d’éléments (métaux et métalloïdes) forment avec l’oxygène et le groupe hydroxyle (OH) des minéraux que l’on range dans la classe des oxydes et des hydroxydes. La majeure partie de ces minéraux, très importants au point de vue… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Radioactive waste — 2007 ISO radioactivity danger logo, designed in part for long term radioactive waste depositories which might survive into a far future time in which all knowledge of the meaning of present common radiation danger symbols and signs has been lost… …   Wikipedia

  • Dendrite (crystal) — Manganese dendrites on a limestone bedding plane from Solnhofen, Germany. Scale in mm. A crystal dendrite is a crystal that develops with a typical multi branching tree like form. Dendritic crystal growth is very common and illustrated by… …   Wikipedia

  • Akhtenskite — (Manganese Smokercite web|url=http://www.seltene 2007.htm|title=Gunnar Färber s list of minerals and alternate names|accessdate=2008 05 04] ) is a mineral that was named after the Akhtensk deposit. The deposit can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Liste des mineraux (lettre C) — Liste des minéraux (lettre C) liste des minéraux A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liste des minéraux (lettre C) — v · Liste des minéraux A • B • C • D • E • F  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Liste des minéraux (lettre c) — liste des minéraux A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W …   Wikipédia en Français

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