- cryptogenic
- криптогенный (неизвестного происхождения)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Cryptogenic — is a term that refers to something of obscure or unknown origin. It is commonly used to refer to: Cryptogenic disease Cryptogenic species This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
cryptogenic — [krip΄tō jen′ik, krip΄təjen′ik] adj. [ CRYPTO + GENIC] IDIOPATHIC … English World dictionary
cryptogenic — adjective Date: 1908 of obscure or unknown origin < a cryptogenic disease > … New Collegiate Dictionary
cryptogenic — Of obscure, indeterminate etiology or origin, in contrast to phanerogenic. [crypto + G. genesis, origin] * * * cryp·to·gen·ic .krip tə jen ik adj of obscure or unknown origin <cryptogenic epilepsy> compare PHANEROGENIC * * * cryp·to·gen·ic… … Medical dictionary
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis — Cryptogenic Organising Pneumonitis (COP) or Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia (BOOP) is a rapidly developing pneumonia like illness characterised by lung inflammation and scarring that obstruct the small airways and air sacs of the… … Wikipedia
Cryptogenic disease — A cryptogenic disease is a disease of which the cause is unknown. It may be used in a particular case, when the nature of the patient s condition is known but the cause has not been found (e.g. cryptogenic stroke[1]). The word cryptogenic also… … Wikipedia
Cryptogenic species — A cryptogenic species ( cryptogenic being derived from Greek κρυπτός , meaning hidden, and γένεσις , meaning origin) is a species whose origins are unknown. In ecology, a cryptogenic species is one which may be either a native species or an… … Wikipedia
cryptogenic — of obscure or unknown origin, e.g. a species may be an exotic or a native but little is known of its natural distribution and no conclusion can be made … Dictionary of ichthyology
cryptogenic — /krip teuh jen ik/, adj. of obscure or unknown origin, as a disease. [1905 10; CRYPTO + GENIC] * * * … Universalium
cryptogenic — adjective a) Of uncertain origin, either introduced or native to its area. b) Presumed but not proven to be caused by an abnormality in a particular part of the brain (contrasts with symptomatic and idiopathic) … Wiktionary
cryptogenic — of unknown origin Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary