- boot-leg
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
boot|leg — «B LEHG», verb, legged, leg|ging, adjective, noun. U.S. –v.t., v.i. to sell, transport, or make unlawfully: »bootlegging liquor across the state line. –adj. sold, transported, or made unlawfully: »bootleg liquor. –n. goods, especially alcoholic… … Useful english dictionary
Boot-Leg — is a 1965 song by Booker T. the MG s., written by the members of the band … Wikipedia
boot´leg´ger — boot|leg «B LEHG», verb, legged, leg|ging, adjective, noun. U.S. –v.t., v.i. to sell, transport, or make unlawfully: »bootlegging liquor across the state line. –adj. sold, transported, or made unlawfully: »bootleg liquor. –n. goods, especially… … Useful english dictionary
boot-leg — … Useful english dictionary
boot — boot·er; boot·ery; boot·heel; boot; boot·hose; boot·leg·ger; boot·less; boot·lick·er; boot·man; free·boot; free·boot·er; gum·boot·ed; boot·lick; boot·strap; boot·a·ble; boot·less·ly; boot·less·ness; fire·boot; … English syllables
leg — black·leg·gery; black·leg·ism; boot·leg·ger; col·leg·er; ec·leg·ma; en·leg·end·ed; hy·leg; jock·te·leg; leg·an·tine; leg; leg·a·tee; leg·ate·ship; leg·a·tine; leg·a·tive; leg·bar; leg·end·ar·i·ly; leg·end·ist; leg·end·ize; leg·end·ry;… … English syllables
Boot — Boot, n. [OE. bote, OF. bote, F. botte, LL. botta; of uncertain origin.] 1. A covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, ordinarily made of leather. [1913 Webster] 2. An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort confessions … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boot catcher — Boot Boot, n. [OE. bote, OF. bote, F. botte, LL. botta; of uncertain origin.] 1. A covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, ordinarily made of leather. [1913 Webster] 2. An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boot closer — Boot Boot, n. [OE. bote, OF. bote, F. botte, LL. botta; of uncertain origin.] 1. A covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, ordinarily made of leather. [1913 Webster] 2. An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boot crimp — Boot Boot, n. [OE. bote, OF. bote, F. botte, LL. botta; of uncertain origin.] 1. A covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, ordinarily made of leather. [1913 Webster] 2. An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boot hook — Boot Boot, n. [OE. bote, OF. bote, F. botte, LL. botta; of uncertain origin.] 1. A covering for the foot and lower part of the leg, ordinarily made of leather. [1913 Webster] 2. An instrument of torture for the leg, formerly used to extort… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English