- contribution
- dry hole contribution субсидирование бурения экспериментальной скважины лицом, заинтересованным в получении геологической информации
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
contribution — [ kɔ̃tribysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1317; lat. contributio 1 ♦ Part que chacun donne pour une charge, une dépense commune. ⇒ cotisation, 1. écot, 1. part, quote part, tribut. Il a donné telle somme pour sa contribution, en contribution, comme contribution.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
contribution — con·tri·bu·tion n 1: payment of a share of an amount for which one is liable: as a: shared payment of a judgment by joint tortfeasors esp. according to proportional fault compare apportion a b: pro rata apportionment of loss among all the… … Law dictionary
contribution — CONTRIBUTION. s. fém. Levée extraordinaire faite par autorité publique. Les Villages ont payé tant par contribution, par forme de contribution. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De ce qui se paye en temps de guerre par ordre du Général en pays ennemi.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
contribution — Contribution. s. f. v. Levée extraordinaire faite par authorité publique. Les villages ont payé tant par contribution, par forme de contribution. Il se dit aussi, De ce que l on paye aux ennemis pour se garentir du pillage, pour se redimer des… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
contribution — margin The additional profit that will be earned by an organization when the breakeven point production has been exceeded. The unit contribution is the difference between the unit selling price of a product and its marginal cost of production.… … Accounting dictionary
Contribution — Con tri*bu tion, n. [L. contributio: cf. F. contribution.] 1. The act of contributing. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is contributed; either the portion which an individual furnishes to the common stock, or the whole which is formed by the gifts of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contribution — late 14c., from O.Fr. contribution and directly from L. contributionem (nom. contributio), from contribut , pp. stem of contribuere to bring together, add, contribute, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + tribuere to allot, pay (see TRIBUTE… … Etymology dictionary
contribution — [kän΄trə byo͞o′shən] n. [ME contribucioun < OFr contribution < L contributio] 1. the act of contributing 2. something contributed, as money to a charity or a poem to a magazine 3. a) a special levy or tax b) Archaic a levy for supporting an … English World dictionary
contribution — *donation, benefaction, alms Analogous words: grant, subvention, subsidy, *appropriation: *gift, present, largess, boon … New Dictionary of Synonyms
contribution — [n] gift, offering addition, a hand, alms, augmentation, benefaction, beneficence, bestowal, charity, donation, do one’s part*, gifting, grant, handout, helping hand, improvement, increase, input, present, significant addition, subscription,… … New thesaurus
contribution — Contribution, Contributio … Thresor de la langue françoyse