- congeneric
- 1. относящийся к тому же роду 2. родственный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Congeneric — Con ge*ner ic, Congenerical Con ge*ner ic*al, a. Belonging to the same genus; allied in origin, nature, or action; of or pertaining to a congener. R. Owen. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
congeneric — index apposite, cognate, comparable (capable of comparison), correlative, identical, pendent, related, similar … Law dictionary
congeneric — /kon jeuh ner ik/, adj. 1. Also, congenerous /keuhn jen euhr euhs/. of the same kind or genus. 2. offering a group of closely related services: a congeneric investment company. n. 3. congener (def. 3). 4. a congeneric company, service, or the… … Universalium
congeneric — Belonging to the same genus, e.g. it is now thought that Epicycas is congeneric with Cycas (Osborne & Walters, 2004), and some have argued that Chigua is congeneric with Zamia (Lindstrom, 2009) … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
congeneric — con•ge•ner•ic [[t]ˌkɒn dʒəˈnɛr ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) bio tax Also, con•gen•er•ous [[t]kənˈdʒɛn ər əs[/t]] of the same kind or genus 2) cvb offering a number of closely related services: a congeneric investment company[/ex] 3) vin congener 3) 4) cvb a… … From formal English to slang
congeneric — belonging to the same genus. Congeneric applied to generic names usually implies that the names refer to the same taxon, i.e. synonymous genera … Dictionary of ichthyology
Congeneric Merger — A type of merger where two companies are in the same or related industries but do not offer the same products. In a congeneric merger, the companies may share similar distribution channels, providing synergies for the merger. As a general rule,… … Investment dictionary
congeneric — adjective see congener … New Collegiate Dictionary
congeneric — adj. [L. congener, of same race] 1. A term applied to species of the same genus. 2. Belonging to the same kind, class, or stock … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
congeneric — adjective Of or pertaining to congeners (organisms of the same genus) … Wiktionary
congeneric — adj. of the same kind or class … English contemporary dictionary