- congeliturbation
- криотурбация, конгелитурбация, морозная деформация
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
congeliturbation — /keuhn jel i terr bay sheuhn/, n. Geol. the churning, heaving, and thrusting of soil material due to the action of frost. [ < L congel(are) to cause to freeze up (see CONGEAL) + I + L turb(are) to agitate (see DISTURB, TURBID) + ATION] * * * … Universalium
congeliturbation — (not recommended) use cryoturbation … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
congeliturbation — con·gel·i·tur·ba·tion … English syllables
congeliturbation — (ˌ)tərˈbāshən noun ( s) Etymology: congeli (from Latin congelare) + turbation (from Latin turbation , turbatio disturbance, from turbatus + ion , io ion) : the churning or heaving of the soil by freezing and thawing co … Useful english dictionary
congelifraction — kən|jelə|frakshən noun ( s) Etymology: congeli (from Latin congelare) + fraction (breaking) : splitting of the soil by freezing and thawing compare congeliturbation * * * /keuhn jel euh frak sheuhn/, n. Geol … Useful english dictionary
stone net — noun or stone polygon or stone ring : an arrangement of rock fragments and soil particles in a polygonal pattern similar to a net with the finer materials concentrated in the central part of each net or polygon and the coarser materials in the… … Useful english dictionary
stone stripe — noun : one of a set of roughly parallel bands of alternately finer and coarser rock debris that result from solifluction or congeliturbation on fairly steep slopes usually used in plural … Useful english dictionary