- clavicle
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Clavicle — Clav i*cle, n. [F. clavicule, fr. L. clavicula a little key, tendril, dim. of clavis key, akin to claudere to shut. See {Close}, and cf. {Clef}.] (Anat.) The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula, or shoulder blade, and at the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clavicle — 1610s, from M.Fr. clavicule collarbone, also small key, from M.L. clavicula (used c.980 in a translation of Avicenna), from L. clavicula, lit. small key, bolt, dim. of clavis key (see SLOT (Cf. slot) (2)); a loan translation of Gk. kleis key,… … Etymology dictionary
clavicle — [klav′i kəl] n. [Fr clavicule < L clavicula, dim. of clavis, a key: see CLOSE2] the bone that connects the scapula with the sternum; collarbone: see SKELETON clavicular [kla vik′yo͞o lər] adj … English World dictionary
Clavicle — Bone: Clavicle Gray s subject #49 200 MeSH … Wikipedia
clavicle — clavicular /kleuh vik yeuh leuhr/, adj. claviculate /kleuh vik yeuh layt /, adj. /klav i keuhl/, n. Anat., Zool. 1. a bone of the pectoral arch. 2. (in humans) either of two slender bones, each articulating with the sternum and a scapula and… … Universalium
Clavicle — The bone extending from the breastbone (sternum) at the base of the front of the neck to the shoulder. * * * A doubly curved long bone that forms part of the shoulder girdle. Its medial end articulates with the manubrium sterni at the… … Medical dictionary
clavicle — n. the collar bone: a long slender curved bone, a pair of which form the front part of the shoulder girdle. Each clavicle articulates laterally with the scapula and medially with the manubrium of the sternum (breastbone). Fracture of the clavicle … The new mediacal dictionary
clavicle — UK [ˈklævɪkl] / US noun [countable] Word forms clavicle : singular clavicle plural clavicles medical one of the pair of bones that go across the top of your chest from your shoulder to the bottom of your neck. A less technical name for this is… … English dictionary
clavicle — paired dermal bone ventral to the cleithrum in Acipenseridae and Amiidae. Lost or fused with the cleithrum in Teleostei. Clavicle was sometimes misapplied for cleithrum … Dictionary of ichthyology
clavicle — n. collar bone. ♦ clavicotomy, n. incision through this. ♦ clavicular, a. ♦ claviculate, a. having a clavicle … Dictionary of difficult words
Clavicle fracture — Classification and external resources X ray of a left clavicle fracture ICD 10 S … Wikipedia