- Clactonian
- клектонский (об этапе в развитии культуры, относящейся к нижнему палеолиту)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Clactonian — [klak tō′nē ən] adj. [after Clacton on Sea, England, where such tools were found] designating or of a Lower Paleolithic culture, characterized by chopping tools made by flaking … English World dictionary
Clactonian — The Stone Age This box: view · talk · edit ↑ before Homo (Pliocen … Wikipedia
Clactonian industry — ▪ archaeology early flake tool (flake tool) tradition of Europe. Rather primitive tools were made by striking flakes from a flint core in alternating directions; used cores were later used as choppers. Flakes were trimmed and used as… … Universalium
Clactonian — adjective Etymology: Clacton on Sea, England Date: 1932 of or relating to a Lower Paleolithic culture usually characterized by stone flakes with a half cone at the point of striking … New Collegiate Dictionary
Clactonian — /klak toh nee euhn/, adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a Lower Paleolithic culture in England marked by the production of tools made from stone flakes. [1930 35; < F clactonien, after Clacton( on Sea), English town where the tools were … Universalium
clactonian — clac·to·ni·an … English syllables
Clactonian — Clac•to•ni•an [[t]klækˈtoʊ ni ən[/t]] adj. ara of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a Lower Paleolithic culture in England marked by the production of tools made from stone flakes • Etymology: 1930–35; < F clactonien, after Clacton( on Sea) … From formal English to slang
Clactonian — /klækˈtoʊniən/ (say klak tohneeuhn) adjective of, relating to, or characteristic of a Lower Palaeolithic culture in England marked by the production of tools made from stone flakes. {named after Clacton( on sea), a town in England, where the… …
clactonian — (ˈ)klak|tōnēən, nyən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Clacton on Sea, England, where the flaking tools were first found + English ian : of or relating to a lower Paleolithic culture of England characterized by a peculiar method of… … Useful english dictionary
Клэктон — (Clactonian)Clactonian, раннепалеолитическая культура, представленная кремневыми орудиями, найденными у г.Клэктон, графство Эссекс, юго вост. Англия; датирована 250000200000гг. до н.э … Страны мира. Словарь
Клэктон — (Clactonian), кремневая индустрия нижнего палеолита, в основном относящаяся к Великому межледниковые (миндель рисскому). Получила название по г. Клэктон он Си, Эссекс. Кроме наконечника деревянного копья, в число артефактов входят… … Археологический словарь