- chemoautotrophic
- хемоавтотрофный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
chemoautotrophic — [kē΄mō ôt΄ō träf′ik, kem΄ōôt΄ō träf′ik] adj. 〚 CHEMO + AUTOTROPHIC〛 producing organic matter by the use of energy obtained by oxidation of certain chemicals with carbon dioxide as the carbon source: said of some bacteria chemoautotrophically adv … Universalium
chemoautotrophic — [kē΄mō ôt΄ō träf′ik, kem΄ōôt΄ō träf′ik] adj. [ CHEMO + AUTOTROPHIC] producing organic matter by the use of energy obtained by oxidation of certain chemicals with carbon dioxide as the carbon source: said of some bacteria chemoautotrophically adv … English World dictionary
chemoautotrophic — adjective Date: 1941 being autotrophic and oxidizing an inorganic compound as a source of energy < chemoautotrophic bacteria > • chemoautotrophy noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
chemoautotrophic — Pertaining to a chemoautotroph. SYN: chemolithotrophic. * * * che·mo·au·to·tro·phic .ȯt ə trō fik adj being autotrophic and oxidizing some inorganic compound as a source of energy <chemoautotrophic bacteria> che·mo·au·tot·ro·phy ȯ tä trə… … Medical dictionary
chemoautotrophic — adjective obtaining its nutrition through the oxidation of non organic compounds (or other chemical processes); as opposed to the process of photosynthesis. Syn: chemolithoautotrophic … Wiktionary
chemoautotrophic — chemo·autotrophic … English syllables
Chemoautotrophic — Life forms that synthesize energy through chemical reactions, without the use of light. Almost all life forms on Earth use light as the initial source of energy through plants or photoplankton. See Photosynthesis … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
chemoautotrophic — … Useful english dictionary
chemoautotrophic bacterium — a bacterium that is autotrophic and obtains energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds of iron, nitrogen, sulfur, or hydrogen; none of these are pathogenic … Medical dictionary
Cold seep — Marine habitats Tube worms are among the dominant species in one of four cold seep community types in the Gulf of Mexico. Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Abiogénesis — Para los procesos de la evolución de la vida, véase Historia evolutiva de la vida. Estromatolitos del … Wikipedia Español