- cercus
- Crust, церка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Cercus — Cer cus, n.; pl. {Cerci}. [NL., fr. Gr. ke rkos tail.] (Zo[ o]l.) See {Cercopod}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cercus — Cercus, eine Art Glanzkäfer (Nitidula) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
CERCUS — Bithyniae collis. Cedrenus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
cercus — [sʉr′kəs] n. pl. cerci [sʉr′sī΄] [ModL < Gr kerkos, tail] either of a pair of usually jointed, feelerlike appendages at the hind end of the abdomen of many insects … English World dictionary
Cercus — Not to be confused with circus. A common earwig with large cerci in the background … Wikipedia
Cercus — Als Cercus (von griech. kerkos = „Schwanz“; Plural Cerci, auch Afterraife, Analraife, Afterfühler, Raife) werden die paarigen Hinterleibs Anhänge am letzten Hinterleibssegment bei Tracheentieren, also den Sechsfüßern (Insekten, Springschwänze,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cercus — noun (plural cerci) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek kerkos Date: 1826 either of a pair of simple or segmented appendages at the posterior end of various arthropods that usually act as sensory organs … New Collegiate Dictionary
cercus — n.; pl. cerci [Gr. kerkos, tail] (ARTHROPODA) One of a pair of appendages that arise at the posterior of the abdomen of arthropods that function as sense organs; abdominal filaments; acrocercus; anal forceps; anal styles; anal stylets; caudal… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cercus — cercal, adj. /serr keuhs, ker /, n., pl. cerci /serr suy, ker kee/. one of a pair of appendages at the rear of the abdomen of certain insects and other arthropods, serving as tactile organs. [1820 30; < NL < Gk kérkos tail] * * * … Universalium
cercus — noun certain hair like sensory structures on some types of insects … Wiktionary
cercus — 1. A stiff hairlike structure. 2. A pair of specialized sensory appendages on the 11th abdominal segment of most insects. [Mod. L., fr. G. kerkos, tail] * * * cer·cus sər kəs n, pl cer·ci sər .sī, .kī either of a pair of simple or seg … Medical dictionary