- cataplasis
- катаплазис
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
cataplasia, cataplasis — A degenerative change in cells or tissues that is the reverse of the constructive or developmental change; a return to an earlier or embryonic stage. SYN: retrograde metamorphosis (1), retrogression, retromorphosis. [cata + G. plasis, a molding] … Medical dictionary
metaplasis — / apˈlə sis/ noun 1. Metaplasia 2. The period of maturity in the life cycle • • • Main Entry: ↑metaplasia * * * ‖ metaplasis Biol. (mɛˈtæpləsɪs) [mod.L., after G. metaplase (Haeckel 1866), a. Gr. µετάπλασις, n. of action f. µεταπλάσσειν: see prec … Useful english dictionary