- camouflage
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Camouflage — Жанр синти поп Годы 1983 текущий Страна … Википедия
camouflage — [ kamuflaʒ ] n. m. • 1917; « déguisement » 1887; de camoufler 1 ♦ Le fait de camoufler du matériel de guerre, des troupes; ce qui est utilisé à cet effet. Un camouflage de branchages. Soldat en tenue de camouflage. 2 ♦ Fig. Le fait de cacher en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Camouflage — (frz. „Irreführung, Täuschung, Tarnung“) bezeichnet: Tarnung, militärische Bekleidung und Anstriche zum Zwecke der Tarnung Camouflage (Sozialpsychologie), eine sozialpsychologische Technik der Abwehr Camouflage (Schminke), eine Schminke… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Camouflage — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Camouflage es un grupo de synthpop alemán, compuesta por Oliver Kreyssig, Heiko Maile y Marcus Meyn, formada en 1984. Contenido 1 Historia 2 Discografía 2.1 Álbums … Wikipedia Español
camouflage — [n] disguise beard*, blind, cloak, concealment, cover, coverup, deceit, deceptive marking, dissimulation, faking, false appearance, front, guise, mask, masking, masquerade, mimicry, paint, plain brown wrapper*, protective coloring, red herring*,… … New thesaurus
camouflage — ► NOUN 1) the disguising of military personnel and equipment by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings. 2) clothing or materials used for such a purpose. 3) the natural colouring or form of an animal which enables … English terms dictionary
camouflage — I verb adumbrate, alter the appearance of, assume a mask, be concealed, becloud, becurtain, bedim, befog, bemask, blanket, blind, bury, change the face of, cloak, close the curtain, cloud, color, conceal, couch, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive … Law dictionary
camouflage — 1917, from Fr. camoufler, Parisian slang, to disguise, from It. camuffare to disguise, perhaps a contraction of capo muffare to muffle the head. Probably altered by Fr. camouflet puff of smoke, on the notion of blow smoke in someone s face. The… … Etymology dictionary
camouflage — *disguise, cloak, mask, dissemble … New Dictionary of Synonyms
camouflage — [kam′ə fläzh΄, kam′əfläj΄] n. [Fr < camoufler, to disguise; prob. altered (infl. by camouflet, puff of smoke) < It camuffare, to disguise] 1. the disguising of troops, ships, guns, etc. to conceal them from the enemy, as by the use of paint … English World dictionary
Camouflage — This article is about protective coloration. For other uses, see Camouflage (disambiguation). Further information: Theory of camouflage A flounder blending in with the gravel on the sea floor. Camouflage is a method of crypsis (hiding). It allows … Wikipedia