- calvarium
- пал. крыша черепа
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Calvarium — [lateinisch] das, s/...ria, Anthropologie: Schädel ohne Unterkiefer. Daraus ist die Bezeichnung Kalvarienberg entstanden, da den Schädeln beim Umlagern der Unterkiefer verloren gehen kann … Universal-Lexikon
calvarium — [kal ver′ē əm] n. pl. calvaria [kal′ver′ēə] [ModL < L calvaria, skull < calva, skull] the upper, domed part of the skull: also calvaria calvarial adj. calvarian … English World dictionary
Calvarium — Un calvarium, en anatomie et plus particulièrement en ostéologie, désigne un crâne sans mandibule ou sans mandibule et sans face. Il s agit des os de la voûte crânienne, à savoir : l os frontal, les deux os pariétaux, les deux os temporaux,… … Wikipédia en Français
calvarium — noun (plural calvaria) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin calvaria skull, from calvus bald; probably akin to Sanskrit kulva bald Date: 14th century the portion of a skull including the braincase and excluding the lower jaw or lower jaw and facial… … New Collegiate Dictionary
calvarium — n. [L. calvaria, skull] (NEMATA) Subcuticular cephalic framework … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
calvarium — One of the bones that makes up the vault of the skull (in humans these are the frontal, 2 parietals, occipital, and 2 temporals). Calvaria are often used in organ culture to investigate bone catabolism or synthesis … Dictionary of molecular biology
calvarium — /kal vair ee euhm/, n., pl. calvaria / vair ee euh/. the dome of the skull. [1880 85; < NL, neut. var. of L calvaria skull, equiv. to calv(us) bald + aria ARY; cf. late ME calvaria ( < L), calvair ( < MF)] * * * … Universalium
calvarium — noun The upper, domelike portion of the skull (without the lower jaw) … Wiktionary
calvarium — Incorrectly used for calvaria. * * * cal·var·i·um ē əm n, pl ia ē ə an incomplete skull esp the portion of a skull including the braincase and excluding the lower jaw or lower jaw and facial portion cal·var·i·al ē əl adj * * * cal·va·ri·um (kal… … Medical dictionary
calvarium — n. top of the skull, dome of the skull (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
calvarium — cal·var·i·um … English syllables