- calthrops
- кальтропы (спикулы губок)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
calthrops — cal·throps … English syllables
calthrops — ˈkalthrəps, ˈȯ noun plural but usually singular in construction Etymology: variant of caltrop : a tetraxon sponge spicule in which the rays are equal or nearly equal in length … Useful english dictionary
Everard Calthrop — Infobox Person name = Everard Richard Cathrop caption = birth date = 3rd March 1857 birth place = Deeping St Nicholas, UK death date = 30th March, 1927 death place = London, UK other names = known for = Developing the Barsi Light Railway in India … Wikipedia
Richard de Southchurch — Sir Richard de Southchurch (Suthchirche, Suthcherch) (d. 1294) was a knight and part of the landowning aristocracy of Essex in the thirteenth century. He was sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire in the years 1265 ndash;67, and as such became… … Wikipedia
tetany — n. [Gr. tetanos, stiffness] State of contraction of a muscle caused by continuous stimulation either natural or electrical. tetracerous, tetracerate adj. [Gr. tetra, four; keras, horn] Having four horns. tetraclad n. [Gr. tetra, four; klados,… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sponge — spongeless, adj. spongelike, adj. spongingly, adv. /spunj/, n., v., sponged, sponging. n. 1. any aquatic, chiefly marine animal of the phylum Porifera, having a porous structure and usually a horny, siliceous or calcareous internal skeleton or… … Universalium