- calc-silicate
- известково-силикатный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Skarn — is a metamorphic rock that is usually variably colored green or red, occasionally grey, black, brown or white. It usually forms by chemical metasomatism of rocks during metamorphism and in the contact zone of magmatic intrusions like granites… … Wikipedia
Scapolite — (Gr. asairos , rod, stone), is a group of rock forming silicate minerals composed of aluminium, calcium and sodium silicate with chlorine, carbonate and sulfate. The variations in composition of the different members of the group may be expressed … Wikipedia
amphibole — /am feuh bohl /, n. Mineral. any of a complex group of hydrous silicate minerals, containing chiefly calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and aluminum, and including hornblende, tremolite, asbestos, etc., occurring as important constituents of many… … Universalium
pyroxene — pyroxenic /puy rok sen ik/, adj. /puy rok seen, peuh , puy rok seen /, n. any of a very common group of minerals of many varieties, silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium, and other elements, occurring as important constituents of many kinds of… … Universalium
Sapphirine — Indigo blue sapphirine crystal from Ft. Dauphin, Madagascar (size: 2.1 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm) General Category Silicate mineral … Wikipedia
marble — marbler, n. /mahr beuhl/, n., adj., v., marbled, marbling. n. 1. metamorphosed limestone, consisting chiefly of recrystallized calcite or dolomite, capable of taking a high polish, occurring in a wide range of colors and variegations and used in… … Universalium
Marble — /mahr beuhl/, n. Alice, 1913 90, U.S. tennis player. * * * Granular limestone or dolomite that has recrystallized under the influence of heat, pressure, and aqueous solutions. The main mineral in marble is calcite. Commercially, marble includes… … Universalium
Yilgarn Craton — The Yilgarn Craton is a large craton which constitutes the bulk of the Western Australian land mass. It is bounded by a mixture of sedimentary basins and Proterozoic fold and thrust belts. Zircon grains in the Jack Hills, Narryer Gneiss Terrane… … Wikipedia
Merrivale, Devon — Coordinates: 50°33′30″N 4°03′03″W / 50.5583°N 4.0509°W / 50.5583; 4.0509 … Wikipedia
Pyroxenite — A sample of the orthopyroxenite meteorite ALH84001 Pyroxenite is an ultramafic igneous rock consisting essentially of minerals of the pyroxene group, such as augite and diopside, hypersthene, bronzite or enstatite … Wikipedia
Aberdeenshire (historic) — County of Aberdeen Aberdeenshire within Scotland in 1890 Geography Status County (until 1975) … Wikipedia