- caenogenesis
- ценогенез
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Caenogenesis — (also variously spelled cainogenesis, cenogenesis, kainogenesis, kenogenesis) is the introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species, as opposed to… … Wikipedia
caenogenesis — cenogenesis cen o*gen e*sis n. [Gr. ? new + E. genesis.] (Biol.) The introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (as addition of the placenta in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
caenogenesis — Kenogenesis Ken o*gen e*sis, n. [Gr. ? new + E. genesis.] (Biol.) Modified evolution, in which nonprimitive characters make their appearance in consequence of a secondary adaptation of the embryo to the peculiar conditions of its environment;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
caenogenesis — n. [Gr. kainos, recent; genesis, beginning] The repetition of phylogeny by ontogeny, caused by heterochrony (temporal displacement), heterotropy (spacial displacement) or larval adaptation; cenogenetic a; see palingenesis … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
caenogenesis — noun The embryotic development of cross species structures or characteristics … Wiktionary
Caenogenesis — Caenogẹnesis die, /... nesen, die Zänogenese … Universal-Lexikon
caenogenesis — process of growth in individual not common in its species Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
caenogenesis — n. development of an individual who does not show characteristics of his race (Biology) … English contemporary dictionary
caenogenesis — n. development in individual of processes not common to its species. ♦ caenogenetic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
caenogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑cenogenesis, ↑kenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary
cenogenesis — noun introduction during embryonic development of characters or structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history of the strain or species (such as the addition of the placenta in mammalian evolution) • Syn: ↑kenogenesis, ↑caenogenesis,… … Useful english dictionary