- broad
- англ. заводь, плёс
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Broad — (br[add]d), a. [Compar. {Broader} (br[add]d [ e]r); superl. {Broadest}.] [OE. brod, brad, AS. br[=a]d; akin to OS. br[=e]d, D. breed, G. breit, Icel. brei[eth]r, Sw. & Dan. bred, Goth. braids. Cf. {Breadth}.] 1. Wide; extend in breadth, or from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Broad — may refer to:* Broad (British coin), English gold coin minted under the commonwealth with a bust of Oliver Cromwell on the obverse * Broad church, Latitudinarian churchmanship in the Church of England * Broad Front Progressive Encounter New… … Wikipedia
broad´ly — broad «brd», adjective, adverb, noun. –adj. 1. large across; wide: »Many cars can go on that broad new highway. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under wide. (Cf. ↑wide) 2. having wide range; … Useful english dictionary
broad — [brôd] adj. [ME brod < OE brad; akin to Ger breit] 1. of large extent from side to side; wide 2. having great extent or expanse; spacious [broad prairies] 3. extending all about; clear; open; full [broad daylight] 4. easy to understand; not… … English World dictionary
broad — adj Broad, wide, deep are comparable chiefly when they refer to horizontal extent. Broad and wide apply to surfaces or areas as measured from side to side {a picture two feet wide} and deep (see also DEEP) to those as measured from front to back… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Broad — ist der Nachname von mehreren Personen: C. D. Broad (1887–1971), englischer Philosoph Chris Broad (* 1957), englischer Cricketspieler Eli Broad, Kunstmäzen Neil Broad (* 1966), britischer Tennisspieler Pery Broad (1921–1994), SS Unterscharführer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
broad — broad; broad·cast·er; broad·en; broad·ish; broad·ly; broad·moor; broad·ness; broad·way·ite; broad·band; broad·scale; … English syllables
broad — I adjective ample, amplitudinous, amplus, blanket, collective, comprehensive, covering all cases, deep, diffuse, encyclopedic, expansive, extended, extending, extensive, far flung, far reaching, far spread, full, general, generalized, generic,… … Law dictionary
broad — [adj1] wide physically ample, capacious, deep, expansive, extended, extensive, full, generous, immense, large, latitudinous, outspread, outstretched, roomy, spacious, splay, squat, thick, vast, voluminous, widespread; concepts 773,796 Ant. narrow … New thesaurus
Broad — Broad, n. 1. The broad part of anything; as, the broad of an oar. [1913 Webster] 2. The spread of a river into a sheet of water; a flooded fen. [Local, Eng.] Southey. [1913 Webster] 3. A lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
broad — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide. 2) of a specified distance wide. 3) large in area or scope. 4) without detail; general. 5) (of a hint) clear and unambiguous. 6) (of a regional accent) very noticeable… … English terms dictionary