Смотреть что такое "bowr" в других словарях:
bowr — /bowr/ (Spenser) noun A muscle ORIGIN: ↑bow1 to bend * * * bowr, bowre obs. ff. bower n.1, n.3 … Useful english dictionary
bowre — bowr, bowre obs. ff. bower n.1, n.3 … Useful english dictionary
Bor — may refer to: *Bór, a character in J. R. R. Tolkien s Middle earth legendarium *Bor (or Bowr), a location in Afghanistan *Bor (Tachov District), a town in Plzeň Region (Tachov District), Czech Republic *Bor, name of several villages in the Czech… … Wikipedia
Orion Airways — IATA KG ICAO ORN Callsign ORION … Wikipedia
I syng of a mayden — The Annuciation depicted by Mariotto Albertinelli, C.15 I syng of a mayden (sometimes titled As Dewe in Aprille ) is a Middle English lyric poem or carol of the 15th century celebrating the Annunciation and the Virgin Birth of Jesus. It has been… … Wikipedia
The Language of Flowers — is a song with both words and music written by the English composer Edward Elgar and dated May 29th 1872, when he was only fourteen years old. [Percy M. Young Elgar O.M. pp. 263 264 and an example] It is unpublished. It is inscribed by Edward W.… … Wikipedia
Западная Двина — (по нем. Düna) Река Балтийского бассейна, впадающая в южную часть Рижского залива. З. Двина берет начало из небольшого озера Двина или Двинца, лежащего на высоте 800 фт. н. ур. м, среди болот и лесов Осташковского у. Тверской губ., верстах в 13… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Tunnel [1] — Tunnel, künstlich hergestellter Hohlraum von größerem, verschiedenartig gestaltetem röhrenförmigem Querschnitte, der unter der Erdoberfläche oder unter Gewässern, horizontal oder geneigt in gerader Linie oder in Krümmungen angelegt, zur freien,… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
“I Sing of a Maiden” — (ca. 15th century) The anonymous 15th century MIDDLE ENGLISH lyric that begins “I sing of a maiden that is makeles” is perhaps the best known of all late medieval lyrics in praise of the Virgin Mary. Two couplets in the poem are borrowed from… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Boerhavia wrightii A. Gray — Symbol BOWR Common Name largebract spiderling Botanical Family Nyctaginaceae … Scientific plant list
Boerhavia wrightii — ID 10556 Symbol Key BOWR Common Name largebract spiderling Family Nyctaginaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution AZ, CA, NM, NV, TX Growth Habit Forb/herb … USDA Plant Characteristics