
см. pokelogan

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bogan" в других словарях:

  • Bogan — Parlée en Chine Région Yunnan Nombre de locuteurs 6 000 Classement Classification par famille     Langues austroasiatiques     …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bogan — is Australian (especially teenage) slang for someone who is not with it in terms of behaviour and appearance, someone who is not us ; hence, someone horrible, contemptible. Some lexicographers have suspected that the term may derive from the… …   Australian idioms

  • Bogan — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Louise Bogan (1897–1970), US amerikanische Dichterin und Literaturkritikerin Lucille Bogan (1897–1948), US amerikanische Vaudeville und Bluessängerin, Songwriterin und Gitarristin Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bogan — Bogan, Fluß in Neu Süd Wales (Australien), entspringt in der Gebirgskette Harvey, fließt im Allgemeinen in nordwestlicher Richtung u. ergießt sich in den Darling, Nebenfluß des Murray …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bogan — The term bogan (pronEng|ˈboʊgən, rhyming with slogan ) is Australian and New Zealand English slang, usually pejorative, for a person who is, or is perceived to be, of a lower class background. According to the stereotype, the speech and… …   Wikipedia

  • bogan — ˈbōgən noun ( s) Etymology: of Algonquian origin; akin to Malecite pecelaygan stopping place dialect : pokelogan * * * /boh geuhn/, n. Northern Maine and Canadian (chiefly Maritimes and Northern New Brunswick). 1. a backwater, usually narrow and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bogan — 1. noun a) A person who is, or is perceived to be, unsophisticated or of a lower class background, more or less analogous to the British term chav or American term redneck. b) An anglo celtic member of a lower socioeconomic group historically… …   Wiktionary

  • bogan — /ˈboʊgən/ (say bohguhn) noun Colloquial (mildly derogatory) 1. a person, generally from an outer suburb of a city or town and from a lower socio economic background, viewed as uncultured; originally typified as wearing a flannelette shirt, black… …  

  • bogan — UK [ˈbəʊɡən] / US [ˈboʊɡən] noun [countable] Word forms bogan : singular bogan plural bogans Australian informal someone who lacks knowledge about culture, fashion, and the modern world …   English dictionary

  • Bogan — 1. fool; idiot; 2. (WA, Tasmania) lout or hooligan, especially of a particular social group noted for wearing black shirt and jeans. In Hobart equivalent to a Chigga (probably from Bogan a river in NSW) …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • bogan — Australian Slang 1. fool; idiot; 2. (WA, Tasmania) lout or hooligan, especially of a particular social group noted for wearing black shirt and jeans. In Hobart equivalent to a Chigga (probably from Bogan a river in NSW) …   English dialects glossary

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