

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bionic" в других словарях:

  • Bionic — Студийный альбом Кристины Агилеры Дата выпуска …   Википедия

  • Bionic — Album par Christina Aguilera Sortie 8 juin 2010 Enregistrement fin 2008 2009 début 2010 Genre Musique électronique Dance R B Pop Slow …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bionic — Studioalbum von Christina Aguilera Veröffentlichung 4. Juni 2010 (Deutschland) 7. Juni 2010 (Großbritannien) 8. Juni 2010 (USA) Aufnahme …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bionic — BIÓNIC, Ă, bionici, ce, s.f., adj. 1. S. f. (În sintagma) Bionică informaţională= ramură a bionicii care studiază mecanismele de recepţie, stocare, prelucrare şi transmitere a informaţiei la sistemele biologice în vederea transpunerii lor în… …   Dicționar Român

  • bionic — 1901, as a term in the study of fossils, from Gk. bios life (see BIO (Cf. bio )). Meaning pertaining to BIONICS (Cf. bionics) is recorded from 1963. Popular sense of superhumanly gifted or durable is from 1976, from popular U.S. television… …   Etymology dictionary

  • bionic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the use of electrically operated artificial body parts. 2) informal having ordinary human powers increased by or as if by the aid of such devices. DERIVATIVES bionically adverb bionics plural noun …   English terms dictionary

  • bionic — ☆ bionic [bī än′ik ] adj. [see BIONICS] 1. of or having to do with bionics 2. a) designating an artificial replacement for a bodily part b) furnished with such a replacement part or parts, specif. in science fiction, so that strength, abilities,… …   English World dictionary

  • Bionic — El término Bionic puede referirse a: Bionic, álbum de Sandbox. Bionic, álbum de Christina Aguilera. «Bionic», canción de Christina Aguilera. O puede referirse al término biónica. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con… …   Wikipedia Español

  • bionic — bi|on|ic [baıˈɔnık US ˈa:n ] adj [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: bionic using electronically controlled parts in the human body (20 21 centuries), from bio + electronic] bionic arms, legs etc are electronic and therefore stronger or faster than normal… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bionic — [[t]baɪɒ̱nɪk[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n In science fiction books or films, a bionic person is someone who has special powers, such as being exceptionally strong or having exceptionally good sight, because parts of their body have been replaced by… …   English dictionary

  • bionic — bionically, adv. /buy on ik/, adj. 1. utilizing electronic devices and mechanical parts to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks, as by supplementing or duplicating parts of the body: The scientist used a bionic arm …   Universalium

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