- biomass
- биомасса
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Biomass — refers to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production. Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown to generate electricity or produce biofuel, but it also includes plant or animal… … Wikipedia
biomass — bi‧o‧mass [ˈbaɪəʊmæs ǁ ˈbaɪoʊ ] noun [uncountable] MANUFACTURING plant or animal matter used to produce fuel or energy: • If the green biomass approach is taken there s the problem of finding enough ground to grow crops for ethanol (= a type of… … Financial and business terms
BIOMASS — BIOMASS, Abkürzung für Biological investigations of marine Antarctic systems and stocks … Universal-Lexikon
biomass — also bio mass, c.1980, from BIO (Cf. bio ) + MASS (Cf. mass) (n.1) … Etymology dictionary
biomass — [bī′ō mas΄] n. [ BIO + MASS] the total mass or number of living organisms in a particular area or volume … English World dictionary
biomass — /buy oh mas /, n. 1. Ecol. the amount of living matter in a given habitat, expressed either as the weight of organisms per unit area or as the volume of organisms per unit volume of habitat. 2. Energy. organic matter, esp. plant matter, that can… … Universalium
biomass — the weight, volume or energy of living material in a given area, sample, fraction such as spawners, stock or for one or more given species (species biomass), or of all the species in a biotic community (community biomass). In fisheries the weight … Dictionary of ichthyology
biomass — A term used to describe trees (woody biomass) or crops such as wheat or corn, grasses and waste organic material (non woody biomass) which can be used to produce heat and power … Petroleum refining glossary
biomass — Total weight of a stock or of a component of a stock; e.g. spawning biomass is the combined weight of mature animals … Fisheries — dictionary
biomass — The total weight of living matter, whether in an entire community, at a particular trophic level, or of a particular kind of organism in the community. Thus we may refer to the biomass of a pond community, of herbivores in the pond, or of… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
biomass — biomasė statusas Aprobuotas sritis Energijos ir šilumos perdavimo technika apibrėžtis Biologiškai skaidžios biologinės kilmės žemės ūkio, miškų ūkio ir susijusių pramonės šakų, įskaitant žuvininkystę ir akvakultūrą, žaliavos, atliekos ir liekanos … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)