- barycenter
- барицентр
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
barycenter — arycenter n. the point representing the mean position of the matter in a body. Syn: centroid, center of mass. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
barycenter — noun a) The center of a mass; often specifically, the point at which the gravitational forces exerted by two objects are equal the Earth Moon barycenter b) The centroid, the geometric center of a plane figure … Wiktionary
Barycenter — Erde und Mond kreisen um ihren gemeinsamen Schwerpunkt. Mit Baryzentrum (griechisch „Schwerezentrum“) bezeichnet man in der Himmelsmechanik den Massen Schwerpunkt eines Systems von zwei oder mehreren Himmelskörpern. Es ist der Ruhepunkt des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
barycenter — bar·y·cen·ter (bărʹĭ sĕn tər) n. See center of mass. [Greek barus, heavy; See gʷerə 1 in Indo European Roots + center.] * * * … Universalium
barycenter — n. (Astronomy) center of mass around which two or more bodies rotate; center of mass … English contemporary dictionary
barycenter — bar·y·cen·ter … English syllables
Barycenter — The center of mass of two mutually revolving bodies … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
barycenter — noun (astronomy) the common center of mass around which two or more bodies revolve • Topics: ↑astronomy, ↑uranology • Hypernyms: ↑center of mass, ↑centre of mass … Useful english dictionary
Earth-Moon barycenter — The Earth Moon barycenter (EMB), is the barycenter, or center of mass, of the Earth Moon system of celestial bodies. It is the point about which the Earth and Earth s Moon orbit (as they travel around the sun). [… … Wikipedia
Center of mass — In physics, the center of mass of a system of particles is a specific point at which, for many purposes, the system s mass behaves as if it were concentrated. The center of mass is a function only of the positions and masses of the particles that … Wikipedia
Double planet — Binary planet redirects here. For double planet system (a star orbited by two planets), see Planetary system. Our Earth–Moon system – sometimes informally referred to as a double planet[1] In astronomy, double planet … Wikipedia