- barotropic
- баротропный (о жидкости, находящейся в состоянии баротропии)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Barotropic — In meteorology, a barotropic atmosphere is one in which the pressure depends only on the density and vice versa, so that isobaric surfaces (constant pressure surfaces) are also isopycnic surfaces (constant density surfaces). The isobaric surfaces … Wikipedia
Barotropic cyclone — Barotropic cyclones are those where isotherms are parallel to height lines on a map at a constant pressure surface, or at the surface, parallel to isobars. Tropical cyclones and cut off cyclones (occluded and formerly occluded cyclones) both… … Wikipedia
Barotropic vorticity equation — A simplified form of the vorticity equation for an inviscid, divergence free flow, the barotropic vorticity equation can simply be stated as:frac{D eta}{D t} = 0,where frac{D}{D t} is the material derivative and:eta = zeta + fis absolute… … Wikipedia
barotropic fluid — a barotropic fluid is one whose pressure and density are related by an equation of state that does not contain the temperature as a dependent variable. Mathematically, the equation of state can be expressed as p = p(r) or r = r(p) … Mechanics glossary
barotropic effect — barotropinis reiškinys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. barotropic effect vok. barotropes Phänomen, n rus. баротропическое явление, n; баротропное явление, n pranc. phénomène barotrope, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
barotropic — /bar euh trop ik/, adj. (of a fluid) having a density that is a function only of pressure. [BARO + TROPIC] * * * … Universalium
barotropic — adjective in which the pressure of the atmosphere is dependent upon its density only … Wiktionary
barotropic — /bar euh trop ik/, adj. (of a fluid) having a density that is a function only of pressure. [BARO + TROPIC] … Useful english dictionary
BEMPEX — Barotropic Electromagnetic and Pressure Experiment (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) … Abbreviations dictionary
fluid — barotropic fluid compressible fluid incompressible fluid inviscid fluid irrotational fluid laminar fluid non turbulent fluid Newtonian fluid perfect fluid rotational fluid Stokesian fluid … Mechanics glossary
Atmospheric model — A 96 hour forecast of 850 mbar geopotential height and temperature from the Global Forecast System An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It… … Wikipedia