- avicularium
- Bryoz. авикулярия, птичья головка
adventitious avicularium адвентивная авикулярия
aviculoid пал. авикулоидный, похожий на птицу; крылатый
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Avicularium — The avicularium (pl. avicularia) in cheilostome bryozoans is a modified, non feeding zooid. The operculum, which normally closes the orifice when the zooids tentacles are retracted, has been modified to become a mandible. Strong muscles operate… … Wikipedia
avicularium — n.; pl. ria [L. dim. avis, bird] (BRYOZOA) An enlarged pedunculate operculum of polymorphs, resembling a bird s beak and more intricately reinforced than those of ordinary feeding autozooids … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
avicularium — avicularian, adj. /euh vik yeuh lair ee euhm/, n., pl. avicularia / lair ee euh/. Zool. a protective zooid of a bryozoan colony, having movable jaws that can be snapped shut. [ < NL; see AVI , CULE1, ARIUM] * * * … Universalium
avicularium — noun A modified zooid, in some colonial bryozoans, in the form of a beak, that prevents other organisms from settling on the colony … Wiktionary
avicularium — avic·u·lar·i·um … English syllables
avicularium — … Useful english dictionary
moss animal — bryozoan. [1880 85] * * * ▪ invertebrate Introduction also called bryozoan, any member of the phylum Bryozoa (also called Polyzoa or Ectoprocta), in which there are about 5,000 extant species. Another 15,000 species are known only from… … Universalium
avicularian — ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷rēən adjective Etymology: New Latin avicularium + English an : of or relating to an avicularium or avicularia … Useful english dictionary
condyle — n. [Gr. kondylos, knuckle] 1. A knoblike process that forms the fulcrum for joint movement. 2. (ARTHROPODA) The surfaces between arthropod joints, that provide the fulcra on which the joints move. 3. (BRYOZOA: Gymnolaemata) In some cheilostomates … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
divaricator — n. [L. divaricatus, spread apart] 1. A muscle which causes parts to open. 2. (BRACHIOPODA) A muscle from the ventral valve to the cardinal process which opens the shell. 3. (BRYOZOA) One of a pair of muscles which open the mandible for an… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
heterozooid — n. [Gr. heteros, different; zoon, animal] (BRYOZOA: Gymnolaemata) A specialized zooid that forms stolons, attachment discs, rootlike structures and other such vegetative parts of the colony; a bryozoan, such as an avicularium or a rhizoid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology