- astrogeology
- астрогеология, планетарная геология
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
astrogeology — astrogeologic /as troh jee euh loj ik/, adj. /as troh jee ol euh jee/, n. the science dealing with the structure and composition of planets and other bodies in the solar system. [ASTRO + GEOLOGY] * * * ▪ science scientific discipline… … Universalium
Astrogeology Research Program — The USGS Astrogeology Research Program has a rich history of participation in space exploration efforts and planetary mappingFact|date=May 2008, starting in 1963 when the Flagstaff Science Center was established by Gene Shoemaker to provide lunar … Wikipedia
astrogeology — noun The science dealing with the structure and composition of planets and other bodies in the solar system … Wiktionary
astrogeology — study of extraterrestrial geology Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
astrogeology — n. geology of celestial bodies, science that deals with the structure and constitution of planets and other celestial bodies … English contemporary dictionary
astrogeology — as·tro·geology … English syllables
astrogeology — as•tro•ge•ol•o•gy [[t]ˌæs troʊ dʒiˈɒl ə dʒi[/t]] n. astron. gel the science dealing with the structure and composition of planets and other bodies in the solar system • Etymology: 1965–70 as tro•ge o•log′ic əˈlɒdʒ ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
astrogeology — /ˌæstroʊdʒiˈɒlədʒi/ (say .astrohjee oluhjee) noun the branch of geology that deals with the structure and composition of planets other than the earth, and of other bodies in the solar system …
astrogeology — … Useful english dictionary
Arachnoid (astrogeology) — In astrogeology, an arachnoid is a large structure of unknown origin, and they have been found only on the surface of the planet Venus. Arachnoids get their name from their resemblance to spider webs. They appear as ovals surrounded by a complex… … Wikipedia
Planetary geology — Planetary geology, alternatively known as astrogeology or exogeology, is a planetary science discipline concerned with the geology of the celestial bodies such as the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteorites. The study of these… … Wikipedia