- blueprint
• рабочая копия• рабочий чертеж
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
blueprint — blue‧print [ˈbluːˌprɪnt] noun [countable] 1. a plan for achieving or improving something: • an economic blueprint calling for new investment in training and infrastructure blueprint for • Labour s blueprint for an integrated transport system 2. a … Financial and business terms
Blueprint — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Blueprint (dibujo técnico). Blueprint es un rapero y productor de Columbus, Ohio. Es el dueño de Weightless Recordings y firmó también por Rhymesayers Entertainment. Blueprint… … Wikipedia Español
Blueprint — bezeichnet: einen Bauplan, siehe Blaupause ein fotografisches Kopierverfahren, siehe Cyanotypie Blueprint (Dienstleistungsmarketing), Abbild eines Dienstleistungsprozesses sowie seiner Teilaktivitäten Blueprint (Film), deutsche Verfilmung des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blueprint 76 — is a Detroit pop punk group started in 2002 by Royce Nunley after 8 years in The Suicide Machines. The band s original lineup consisted of Royce Nunley on lead vocals, Steve Toth on guitar and Joe Rielly on drums. Joe Joey Danger Rielly moved… … Wikipedia
Blueprint — Blueprint это CSS фреймворк, созданный для сокращения времени разработки при работе с CSS, важной особенностью которого является использование сетки. Особенности сброс css для устранения расхождения отображения в разных броузерах сетка… … Википедия
blueprint — n sketch, draft, tracing, plot, diagram, delineation, outline (see under SKETCH vb) blueprint vb *sketch, draft, trace, plot, diagram, delineate, outline … New Dictionary of Synonyms
blueprint — [blo͞o′print΄] n. 1. a photographic reproduction in white on a blue background, as of architectural or engineering plans 2. any exact or detailed plan or outline vt. to make a blueprint of … English World dictionary
Blueprint — Blue print See under {Print}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blueprint — I noun design, detailed plan, diagram, draft, ground plan, map, master plan, mechanical drawing, outline, plan, scheme, sketch II index agenda, arrange (plan), delineate, delineation … Law dictionary
blueprint — (n.) also blue print, 1882, from BLUE (Cf. blue) (1) + PRINT (Cf. print) (n.). The process uses blue on white, or white on blue. Figurative sense of detailed plan is attested from 1926. As a verb by 1939 … Etymology dictionary
blueprint — (izg. blȗprȉnt) m DEFINICIJA tisk. fotografskim procesom dobiveni otisak tehničkog nacrta na posebnom papiru; nacrt, predložak ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal