- anaglyph
- анаглиф
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Anaglyph — (Greek ana + gluphein to carve ) may refer to: * Anaglyph image, a method of encoding a three dimensional image in a single picture by superimposing a pair of pictures * Ornament carved in low relief … Wikipedia
Anaglyph — An a*glyph, n. [Gr. ? wrought in low relief, ? embossed work; ? + ? to engrave.] Any sculptured, chased, or embossed ornament worked in low relief, as a cameo. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anaglyph — [an′ə glif΄] n. [Gr anaglyphē < ana , up + glyphein, to carve out: see CLEAVE1] 1. an ornament, as a cameo, carved in low relief 2. a photograph made up of two slightly different views, in complementary colors, of the same subject: when looked … English World dictionary
Anaglyph image — Anaglyph images are used to provide a stereoscopic 3D effect, when viewed with 2 color glasses (each lens a chromatically opposite color, usually red and cyan). Images are made up of two color layers, superimposed, but offset with respect to each … Wikipedia
anaglyph — noun Etymology: Late Latin anaglyphus embossed, from Greek anaglyphos, from anaglyphein to emboss, from ana + glyphein to carve more at cleave Date: 1651 1. a sculptured, chased, or embossed ornament worked in low relief 2. a stereoscopic motion… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Anaglyph — Stereo Fotografie von etwa 1906 als Anaglyphenbild Digital Stereo Fotografie von 2009 Eine Anaglyphe bzw. ein Anaglyphenbild ist ein spezielles Stereogramm, bei dem die beid … Deutsch Wikipedia
anaglyph — anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic /an euh glip tik/, anaglyptical, adj. anaglyphy /euh nag leuh fee, an euh glif ee/, n. /an euh glif/, n. 1. an ornament sculptured or embossed in low relief, as a cameo. 2. Optics. a composite picture printed… … Universalium
anaglyph — noun a) A decorative ornament worked in low relief or bas relief, such as a piece of cameo jewelry. b) The three dimensional effect created by spectacles that have usually one red and one bluish green lens and a stereoscopically modified film.… … Wiktionary
Anaglyph — Анаглиф, объёмное стереоскопическое изображение … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
anaglyph — n. ornament embossed in low relief, cameo; picture printed in two colors which appears three dimensional when viewed through special eyeglasses (Optics) … English contemporary dictionary
anaglyph — A sculpture or decoration in relief, such as a cameo … Glossary of Art Terms