- amphiblastula
- амфибластула (плавающая личинка губок)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Amphiblastula — Stade larvaire des spongiaires, l Amphiblastula apparait après la Stomatoblastula par inversion des membranes de cette dernière. Les Choanocytes qui composent l endoderme des éponges passent donc de l intérieur de la larve à l extérieur. De la… … Wikipédia en Français
amphiblastula — n. [Gr. amphi, on both sides; dim. blastos, bud] A blastula in which the cells of one pole are markedly different in size or shape from the other pole … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
amphiblastula — am·phi·blas·tu·la (am″fĭ blasґtu lə) [amphi + blastula] a blastula with unequal blastomeres … Medical dictionary
amphiblastula — am·phi·blas·tu·la … English syllables
amphiblastula — … Useful english dictionary
amphiblastula larva — (PORIFERA: Calcarea) A type of free swimming larva possessing a central cavity, and two morphologically distinct types of cells, one anterior and the other posterior … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sponge — spongeless, adj. spongelike, adj. spongingly, adv. /spunj/, n., v., sponged, sponging. n. 1. any aquatic, chiefly marine animal of the phylum Porifera, having a porous structure and usually a horny, siliceous or calcareous internal skeleton or… … Universalium
Walter Garstang — (February 9, 1868 February 23, 1949), a Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, was a marine biologist and zoologist who was one of the first to study the functional biology of marine invertebrate larvae. His best known works on marine larvae were his … Wikipedia
Homoscleromorpha — Taxobox name = Homoscleromorpha image caption = Oscarella lobularis regnum = Animalia phylum = Porifera classis = Demospongiae subclassis = Homoscleromorpha subclassis authority = Bergquist, 1978 ordo = Homosclerophorida ordo authority = Dendy,… … Wikipedia
Homoscleromorpha — Plakinidae Oscarella lobularis, ein Vertreter der Plakinidae. Systematik Reich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Homosclerophorida — Plakinidae Oscarella lobularis, ein Vertreter der Plakinidae. Systematik Reich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia