- almandine
- альмандин, FeaAhCSiCib
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Almandine — Al man*dine, n. [LL. almandina, alamandina, for L. alabandina a precious stone, named after Alabanda, a town in Caria, where it was first and chiefly found: cf. F. almandine.] (Min.) The common red variety of garnet. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
almandine — ALMANDINE. sub. fémin. Espèce de rubis … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
almandine — [al′məndīt΄al′mən dēn΄, al′məndin΄] n. [ML alamandina < LL Alabandina (gemma), stone from Alabanda, city in the interior of CARIA] a purplish red variety of garnet, Fe3Al2 (SiO4) 3, used as an inexpensive gem and an abrasive: sometimes called… … English World dictionary
Almandine — Infobox mineral name = Almandine category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = imagesize = caption = formula = molweight = color = reddish orange to red, slightly purplish red to reddish purple and usually dark in tone habit = system = twinning = cleavage … Wikipedia
almandine — /al meuhn deen , duyn , din/, n. a mineral, red iron aluminum garnet. [1670 80; < F, MF < ML alamandina, alabandina a precious stone, prob. a kind of garnet, equiv. to Alaband(a) a town in Asia Minor + ina, fem. of inus INE1; cf. ME alabaundaryne … Universalium
almandine — almandin [ almɑ̃dɛ̃ ] n. m. , almandine [ almɑ̃din ] n. f. • 1898, XVIIe; var. de alabandite ♦ Grenat aluminoferreux. ⇒ALMA(N)DIN, (ALMADIN, ALMANDIN) subst. masc., ALMA(N)DINE, (ALMADINE, ALMANDINE)subst. fém. MINÉR., JOAILL … Encyclopédie Universelle
almandine — almandinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Fe₃Al₂[SiO₄]₃ atitikmenys: angl. almandine rus. альмандин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
almandine — noun Etymology: Middle English alemaundine, from Anglo French alamandine, alteration of Old French alabandine, from Medieval Latin alabandina, from Alabanda, ancient city in Asia Minor Date: 15th century almandite … New Collegiate Dictionary
almandine — noun A deep red color, inclining to purple, mineral belonging to the garnet group with chemical formula FeAl(SiO) … Wiktionary
almandine — n. red colored mineral, almandite … English contemporary dictionary
almandine — [ alməndi:n, dʌɪn] noun a kind of garnet with a violet tint. Origin ME: from obs. Fr., alt. of alabandine, from med. L. alabandina (gemma), jewel from Alabanda , an ancient city in Asia Minor where these stones were cut … English new terms dictionary