- adaxial
- адаксиальный (обращенный к стороне, где находится ось или центр оси; вентральный, задний)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
adaxial — adaxiál adj. m., pl. adaxiáli; f. sg. adaxiálă, pl. adaxiále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ADAXIÁL, Ă adj. orientat spre linia axială. (< fr. adaxiale) … Dicționar Român
adaxial — [ad ak′sē əl] adj. Bot. designating or on the side toward the axis or stem … English World dictionary
adaxial — abaxiale (Blattunterseite, links) und adaxiale (Blattoberseite, rechts) Seite eines Blattes der Silber Pappel Als adaxial, von lat. ad = „zu“ und axis = „Achse“ wird allgemein eine Lage nahe am Körper bzw. der Körperachse bezeichnet.[1] In der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
adaxial — adjective Date: circa 1900 situated on the same side as or facing the axis (as of an organ) < the adaxial or upper surface of a leaf > … New Collegiate Dictionary
adaxial — adjective a) On the side that is towards the axis or central line, usually on the upper side. it has been transformed, except in a few taxa where lobules are always explanate, into a galeate water sac, which is formed wholly from the lobule, with … Wiktionary
adaxial — the paraxial mesoderm subregion developing just adjacent to the chorda mesoderm or notochord rudiment … Dictionary of ichthyology
adaxial — adj. [L. ad, near; axis, axle] 1. Situated on the side of, or facing toward an axis. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Gastropoda) Inward toward the shell axis … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
adaxial — /ad ak see euhl/, adj. Bot., Mycol. situated on the side toward the axis or stem. [1895 1900; AD + AXIAL] * * * … Universalium
adaxial — Toward an axis, or on one or other side of an axis. * * * ad·ax·i·al (ad akґse əl) located alongside of, or directed toward, the axis … Medical dictionary
adaxial — [ad aksɪəl] adjective Botany facing toward the stem (in particular denoting the upper surface of a leaf). The opposite of abaxial … English new terms dictionary
adaxial — Side of an organ facing toward a central axis, e.g. the upper side of a leaf or leaflet. Cf. abaxial … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms