- acoelomate
- лишённый целома
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
acoelomate — n. m. ZOOL Animal dépourvu de coelome. Ant. coelomate … Encyclopédie Universelle
acoelomate — noun Date: circa 1889 an invertebrate lacking a coelom; especially one belonging to the group comprising the flatworms and nemerteans and characterized by bilateral symmetry and a digestive cavity that is the only internal cavity • acoelomate… … New Collegiate Dictionary
acoelomate — Animal without a coelom. The Acoelomate Phyla include sponges, coelenterates and lower worms such as nematodes and platyhelminths … Dictionary of molecular biology
acoelomate — acoe·lo·mate ( )ā sē lə .māt n an invertebrate lacking a coelom esp one belonging to the group comprising the flatworms and nemerteans (class Nemertea or Nemertinea) and characterized by bilateral symmetry and a digestive cavity that is the only… … Medical dictionary
acoelomate — См. acelomate … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
acoelomate — /ay see leuh mayt , ay see loh mit/, Zool. adj. 1. Also, acoelomatous /ay see lom euh teuhs, loh meuh /, acoelomous. having no coelum. n. 2. any organism that lacks a cavity between the body wall and the digestive tract, including the flatworms,… … Universalium
acoelomate — 1. noun Any animal without a coelom. 2. adjective Having a coelom … Wiktionary
acoelomate — acoe·lom·ate … English syllables
acoelomate — a•coe•lo•mate [[t]eɪˈsi ləˌmeɪt, ˌeɪ siˈloʊ mɪt[/t]] adj. 1) zool. lacking a body cavity or coelom 2) ivt zool. any organism that lacks a cavity between the body wall and the digestive tract, as the flatworms, nemerteans, and jellyfishes •… … From formal English to slang
acoelomate — /eɪˈsiləmeɪt/ (say ay seeluhmayt) adjective having no coelom …
acoelomate — … Useful english dictionary