- zooid
- пал.зооид
budding zooid Pter. почкующийся зооид
* * *особь
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
zooid — ZOOÍD, Ă adj. (Despre minerale) Care are forma unei figuri de animal. (din fr. zooïde) Trimis de tavi, 12.05.2004. Sursa: MDN zooid adj. m., pl. zooízi; f. sg. zooídă, pl. zooíde … Dicționar Român
Zooid — o oid, a. [Zo[ o] + oid.] (Biol.) Pertaining to, or resembling, an animal. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zooid — o oid, n. 1. (Biol.) An organic body or cell having locomotion, as a spermatic cell or spermatozooid. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) An animal in one of its inferior stages of development, as one of the intermediate forms in alternate… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zooïd — Zooïd, die einzelne Person in den Kolonien der Moostierchen, Korallen, Seescheiden und andrer stockbildenden Tiere … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
zooid — zoòīd m <G zooída> DEFINICIJA biol. 1. organizam ili stanica sposobna za spontano kretanje i život manje ili više neovisan o drugim organizmima; zoon 2. kod životinja, jedinke koje nakon pupanja ostaju u zadruzi i među njima dolazi do… … Hrvatski jezični portal
zooid — [zō′oid΄] n. [ ZO(O) + OID] 1. a comparatively independent animal organism produced by other than sexual methods, as by fission, gemmation, etc. 2. any of the individual members of a colonial or compound animal: used esp. of hydroids, corals, or… … English World dictionary
zooid — n. independent and distinct organism adj. resembling a zooid, resembling an organism … English contemporary dictionary
zooid — noun Date: 1851 one of the asexually produced individuals of a compound organism (as a bryozoan, hydroid, or coral colony) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Zooid — Als Zooide werden Einzeltiere kolonial lebender Tiere bezeichnet. Die einzelnen Zooide sind dabei entweder miteinander verwachsen wie bei verschiedenen Nesseltieren (Cnidaria), den Catenuliden Plattwürmern oder den Kelchwürmern (Ectroprocta) oder … Deutsch Wikipedia
zooid — n. [Gr. zoon, animal; eidos, like] 1. Any of the individual animals of a colonial or compound organism produced by asexual means. 2. (BRYOZOA) A single member of a colony consisting of polypide and zooecium; zooidal adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
zooid — /zoh oyd/, Biol. n. 1. any organic body or cell capable of spontaneous movement and of an existence more or less apart from or independent of the parent organism. 2. any animal organism or individual capable of separate existence, and produced by … Universalium