- zinkiferous
- цинксодержащий
* * *содержащий цинк
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
zinkiferous — zincifˈerous /zingk / or zinkifˈerous adjective Containing or producing zinc • • • Main Entry: ↑zinc * * * zinkiferous, ify, ite see zinciferous, etc … Useful english dictionary
zinkiferous — bearing zinc Bearing and Carrying … Phrontistery dictionary
Bearing and Carrying — The following table is a relatively complete listing of words relating to the bearing, exuding, carrying, emitting, or containing of things by other things. Note that almost all of them end in ferous or gerous (from the Latin ferre and gerere,… … Phrontistery dictionary