- zinc-blende-type lattice
решетка типа цинковой обманки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
crystal — crystallike, adj. /kris tl/, n., adj., v., crystaled, crystaling or (esp. Brit.) crystalled, crystalling. n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice. 2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz. 3. Chem., Mineral. a solid body… … Universalium
Crystal — /kris tl/, n. 1. a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis. 25,543. 2. a female given name. * * * I Any solid material whose atoms are arranged in a definite pattern and whose surface regularity reflects its internal symmetry. Each of a crystal s… … Universalium
Cubic crystal system — A rock containing three crystals of pyrite (FeS2). The crystal structure of pyrite is simple cubic, and this is reflected in the cubic symmetry of its natural crystal facets … Wikipedia
Electron mobility — This article is about the mobility for electrons and holes in metals and semiconductors. For the general concept, see Electrical mobility. In solid state physics, the electron mobility characterizes how quickly an electron can move through a… … Wikipedia
Monte Carlo methods for electron transport — The Monte Carlo method for electron transport is a semiclassical Monte Carlo(MC) approach of modeling semiconductor transport. Assuming the carrier motion consists of free flights interrupted by scattering mechanisms, a computer is utilized to… … Wikipedia
Gallium(III) nitride — Chembox new Name = Gallium(III) nitride IUPACName = Gallium(III) nitride OtherNames = None Listed. Name = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 25617 97 4 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = GaN MolarMass = 83.7297 g/mol Appearance = Yellow… … Wikipedia
lead processing — Introduction preparation of the ore for use in various products. Lead (Pb) is one of the oldest metals known, being one of seven metals used in the ancient world (the others are gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and mercury). Its low… … Universalium
Sphalerite — Zincblende redirects here. For crystal structure, see Zincblende (crystal structure). Sphalerite Sphalerite on dolomite from the Tri State District, Jasper County, Missouri, USA General … Wikipedia
Gallium arsenide — Gallium arsenide … Wikipedia
Gallium(III) arsenide — Chembox new Name = Gallium arsenide ImageFile = Gallium arsenide.jpg ImageFile1 = Gallium arsenide unit cell 3D balls.png IUPACName = Gallium arsenide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 1303 00 0 SMILES = Ga#As Section2 = Chembox Properties… … Wikipedia