- xenomorphic
- ксеноморфный, аллотриоморфный (о структуре изверженных пород)
* * *• аллотриоморфный• ксеноморфный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
xenomorphic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|mȯrfik adjective Etymology: xen + morphic : allotriomorphic * * * xenomorphically, adv. /zen euh mawr fik, zee neuh /, adj. 1. Also, allotriomorphic. Petrog. noting or pertaining to a mineral grain that does not have its characteristic … Useful english dictionary
xenomorphic — xenomorphically, adv. /zen euh mawr fik, zee neuh /, adj. 1. Also, allotriomorphic. Petrog. noting or pertaining to a mineral grain that does not have its characteristic crystalline form but has a form impressed on it by surrounding grains;… … Universalium
xenomorphic — adj. having an unusual shape, oddly shaped (Geology); anhedral, of or pertaining to a mineral grain that does not have its typical crystalline form but has a form stamped on it by grains that surround it … English contemporary dictionary
xenomorphic — xeno·mor·phic … English syllables
xenomorphic — /zɛnəˈmɔfɪk/ (say zenuh mawfik) adjective denoting or relating to a mineral constituent of a rock, which does not have its characteristic crystalline form, but one forced upon it by other constituents. –xenomorphically, adverb …
SiN — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Sin (значения). SiN Разработчик … Википедия
SiN (компьютерная игра) — SiN Разработчик Ritual Entertainment Издатель … Википедия
Aki Ross — Final Fantasy character Developed by Square, Aki Ross was intended to be the first artificial actress First appearance Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within … Wikipedia
Reptilian humanoid — Infobox Paranormalcreatures Creature Name = Reptilian Humanoid Image Caption = Reptilian Humanoid as reported to the Reptoids Research Center. Grouping = InnerTerrestrial Extraterrestrial Mythology Cryptid Sub Grouping = AKA = Snakepeople,… … Wikipedia
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