- xenogenous
- ксеногенный, эпигенетический
* * *эпигенетический
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
xenogenous — /zi nojˈi nəs/ adjective Due to an outside cause • • • Main Entry: ↑xeno … Useful english dictionary
xenogenous — adjective /zɛˈnɒʤənəs/ a) Of foreign origin; xenogenic. b) Caused by a foreign body; originating outside the organism.<ref name= IMD >The Illustrated Medical Dictionary by William Alexander Newman Dorland (2 Ed.; 1901) Xenogenous caused by … Wiktionary
xenogenous — 1. SYN: xenogenic (1). 2. SYN: xenogeneic. * * * xen·og·e·nous (zen ojґə nəs) [xeno + genous] caused by a foreign body, or originating outside the organism … Medical dictionary
xenogenous — due to an outside cause Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
Testate amoebae — (Protozoa: Rhizopods) are single celled protists partially enclosed in a simple test (shell). [ http://www.microscopy uk.org.uk/mag/artjun03/gsamoebae.html Testate amoebae, peat bogs and past climates. accessed 16 march 2007] Other names for the… … Wikipedia
xenogeneic — Heterologous, with respect to tissue grafts, especially when donor and recipient belong to widely separated species. SYN: xenogenic (2), xenogenous (2). [xeno + G. gen, producing] * * * xe·no·ge·ne·ic .zen ō jə nē ik, .zēn also xe·no·gen·ic jen… … Medical dictionary
xenogenic — 1. Originating outside of the organism, or from a foreign substance that has been introduced into the organism. SYN: xenogenous (1). 2. SYN: xenogeneic. [xeno + G. gen, producing] … Medical dictionary
Causation and Formation — These words refer to causation, formation, origination, production, growth, development or generation. While this might seem like a pretty broad category, all of the words in the list derive from the single Greek word genesis, which can have all… … Phrontistery dictionary