- x-spread
• крестовая расстановка• расстановка типа крест
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Spread betting — is any of various types of wagering on the outcome of an event, where the pay off is based on the accuracy of the wager, rather than a simple win or lose outcome, which is known as money line betting. A spread is a range of outcomes, and the bet… … Wikipedia
Spread offense — “Spread offense” may also refer to the four corners offense developed by Dean Smith. The spread offense is an offensive American football scheme that is used at every level of the game including the NFL, CFL, NCAA, NAIA, and high schools across… … Wikipedia
Spread — may refer to: *Statistical dispersion *Spread (food), an edible paste put on other foods *the score difference being wagered on in spread betting *the measure of line inclination in rational trigonometry *Temperature Dewpoint spread, dew point… … Wikipedia
Spread — (spr[e^]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spread}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spreading}.] [OE. spreden, AS. spr[ae]dan; akin to D. spreiden, spreijen, LG. spreden, spreen, spreien, G. spreiten, Dan. sprede, Sw. sprida. Cf. {Spray} water flying in drops.] 1. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spread — (spr[e^]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spread}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spreading}.] [OE. spreden, AS. spr[ae]dan; akin to D. spreiden, spreijen, LG. spreden, spreen, spreien, G. spreiten, Dan. sprede, Sw. sprida. Cf. {Spray} water flying in drops.] 1. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spread — vb Spread, circulate, disseminate, diffuse, propagate, radiate can all mean to extend or cause to extend over an area or space. Spread basically implies a drawing or stretching out to the limit {spread a net} {spread a cloth on the ground} {the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
spread — n 1 a: the difference between any two prices for similar articles the spread between the list price and the market price of an article b: the difference between the highest and lowest prices of a product or security for a given period c: the… … Law dictionary
spread-ea|gle — spread eagle, 1. a representation of an eagle with outspread wings, used as an emblem of the United States and certain other countries. 2. a boastful, self assertive person, especially an American with an excess of national or regional pride. 3.… … Useful english dictionary
spread — [spred] vt. spread, spreading [ME spreden < OE sprædan, akin to Ger spreiten < IE * sprei d , to sprinkle, strew < base * (s)p(h)er , to strew, spray, burst (of buds) > SPRAY1, SPRAWL, SPROUT] 1. to draw out so as to display more… … English World dictionary
Spread — est un mot anglais qui signifie, entre autres, écart. Son utilisation, sur les marchés financiers, sous cette acception, est universelle et très diverse. Sur tous les marchés Bid/Ask, de Bid and Ask spread Calendar spread Expiry spread Sur les… … Wikipédia en Français
Spread Your Wings — « Spread Your Wings » Сингл Queen из альбома News of the World Выпущен 2 февраля, 1978 Формат … Википедия