- wireline
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
wireline — wire‧line [ˈwaɪəlaɪn ǁ ˈwaɪr ] adjective [only before a noun] TELECOMMUNICATIONS relating to a system, piece of equipment etc that uses telephone wires: • The mass volume of voice traffic is still transported over fixed wireline networks.… … Financial and business terms
Wireline Logging — consists of measuring and recording the physical properties of the rocks in oil wells. Logging consists of introducing sensors in a borehole via a wireline , an electromechanical cable. Power and control is provided to the sensors inside the… … Wikipedia
Wireline incumbent — Usually one telephone company, known as the wireline incumbent, owns the telephone lines in a particular location. Incumbents have structural advantages over challengers. In the case of Wireline Incumbent Carriers, this segment captured 52… … Wikipedia
wireline drilling — /ˌwaɪəlaɪn ˈdrɪlɪŋ/ (say .wuyuhluyn driling) noun the drilling of boreholes with a steel cable attached to the core barrel; the cable or wireline enables the rock core to be extracted without removing the drill rods …
wireline — noun a) A landline b) A wire that runs from a drill rig down into the drill hole to support a deadload or other downhole tool … Wiktionary
wireline — adj. not wireless … English contemporary dictionary
wireline — noun 1》 a telegraph or telephone wire. 2》 (in the oil industry) a cable for lowering and raising tools and other equipment in a well shaft … English new terms dictionary
wireline — /ˈwaɪəlaɪn/ (say wuyuhluyn) adjective of or relating to a telecommunications system that operates by signals passing down a wire …
wireline — The local telephone company that uses cables, not radio frequencies … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
wireline — … Useful english dictionary
Slickline o Wireline — El término slickline se refiere la la tecnología de alambre utilizada por operadores de pozos de gas y petróleo para bajar equipamiento dentro del pozo a los propósitos de una intervención en el mismo, comúnmente denominada well intervention. Se… … Wikipedia Español