wind gust

wind gust
порыв ветра

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "wind gust" в других словарях:

  • Gust — may be:* Gust, short blast of wind *Gust Corporation, Japanese, game software GUST: *Glasgow University Student Television *Global Underwater Search Team *Gulf University for Science and Technology …   Wikipedia

  • Wind — For other uses, see Wind (disambiguation). Wind, from the …   Wikipedia

  • wind — I n. /wind/ movement, current of air 1) an adverse; balmy, gentle, light; biting, cold, cutting, icy; brisk, heavy, high, stiff, strong; fair, favorable; gale force; gusty; head; raw; tail; trade wind 2) the prevailing winds 3) the wind blows;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • gust — Synonyms and related words: access, affection, aftertaste, alacrity, animation, anxiety, anxiousness, appetite, aroma, attribute, avidity, avidness, badge, bitter, blast, blaze, blow, brand, breathless impatience, breeze, burst, cachet, cast,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Gust — (g[u^]st), n. [Icel. gustr a cool breeze. Cf. {Gush}.] 1. A sudden squall; a violent blast of wind; a sudden and brief rushing or driving of the wind. [1913 Webster] Snow, and hail, stormy gust and flaw. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. A sudden violent …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gust — gust1 [gust] n. [ON gustr, gust, blast < gjosa, to gush, break out < IE * gheus < base * ĝheu , to pour > GUT, L fundere] 1. a sudden, strong rush of air or wind 2. a sudden burst of rain, smoke, fire, sound, etc. 3. an outburst of… …   English World dictionary

  • wind´i|ness — wind|y «WIHN dee», adjective, wind|i|er, wind|i|est. 1. having much wind: »a windy day, windy weather, the windy seas. 2. exposed to or blown upon or through by the wind: »a win …   Useful english dictionary

  • wind´i|ly — wind|y «WIHN dee», adjective, wind|i|er, wind|i|est. 1. having much wind: »a windy day, windy weather, the windy seas. 2. exposed to or blown upon or through by the wind: »a win …   Useful english dictionary

  • wind|y — «WIHN dee», adjective, wind|i|er, wind|i|est. 1. having much wind: »a windy day, windy weather, the windy seas. 2. exposed to or blown upon or through by the wind: »a win …   Useful english dictionary

  • gust-lock — gustˈ lock noun A mechanism on an aeroplane which prevents damage to the elevators by gusts of wind when the aeroplane is stationary • • • Main Entry: ↑gust …   Useful english dictionary

  • wind — [n1] air currents air, blast, blow, breath, breeze, chinook, cyclone, draft, draught, flurry, flutter, gale, gust, mistral, puff, tempest, typhoon, wafting, whiff, whirlwind, whisk, zephyr; concept 524 wind [n2] warning, report babble, clue, cue …   New thesaurus

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