

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "whole-drawn" в других словарях:

  • Whole language — describes a literacy instructional philosophy which emphasizes that children should focus on meaning and moderates skill instruction. It can be contrasted with phonics based methods of teaching reading and writing which emphasize instruction for… …   Wikipedia

  • Drawn on film animation — (also known as direct animation , or animation without camera ) is an animation technique where footage is produced by creating the images directly on film stock, as opposed to any other form of animation where the images or objectsare… …   Wikipedia

  • whole blood — n blood with all its components intact that has been withdrawn from a donor into an anticoagulant solution for use to restore blood volume esp. after traumatic blood loss * * * blood from which none of the elements have been removed. [USP] blood… …   Medical dictionary

  • Drawn thread work — Linen towel with drawn thread work accented with embroidery in stem and satin stitch. Drawn thread work is a form of counted thread embroidery based on removing threads from the warp and/or the weft of a piece of even weave fabric. The remaining… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole note — In music, a whole note (American or German terminology) or semibreve (British or classical terminology) is a note represented by a hollow oval note head, like a half note (or minim ), and no note stem (see Figure 1). Its length is typically equal …   Wikipedia

  • Drawn-on-film animation — Caroline Leaf s Two Sisters (1991), an award winning short which uses drawn on film animation. Drawn on film animation, also known as direct animation or animation without camera, is an animation technique where footage is produced by creating… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole-house fan — A whole house fan is a type of fan installed in a building s ceiling, designed to suck hot air out of the building. It is sometimes confused with an attic fan.A whole house fan sucks hot air out of a building and forces it into the attic. This… …   Wikipedia

  • whole blood — noun blood that has not been modified except for the addition of an anticoagulant whole blood is normally used in blood transfusions • Hypernyms: ↑blood * * * noun Etymology: Middle English hole blode, from hole, hool entire, whole + blode, blood …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drawn battle — Battle Bat tle, n. [OE. bataille, bataile, F. bataille battle, OF., battle, battalion, fr. L. battalia, battualia, the fighting and fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators, fr. batuere to strike, beat. Cf. {Battalia}, 1st {Battel}, and see… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whole cloth — noun a) A newly made textile which has not yet been cut. Also called broad cloth. Mr. Does account of the accident was made from whole cloth. b) A complete fabrication. A lie with no basis in the truth. The plans for the widget were drawn from… …   Wiktionary

  • whole rest — noun a) A whole rest is a pause or interval of silence equal in duration to two half rests or one half of a breve rest. In common or 4/4 time, its duration is four beats. b) A symbol used in musical notation drawn as a solid rectangle directly… …   Wiktionary

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