- wet monsoon
влажный (летний юго-западный) муссон
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
monsoon — n. 1 a wind in S. Asia, esp. in the Indian Ocean, blowing from the south west in summer (wet monsoon) and the north east in winter (dry monsoon). 2 a rainy season accompanying a wet monsoon. 3 any other wind with periodic alternations.… … Useful english dictionary
Monsoon of Indian subcontinent — Indian subcontinent with flags of individual countries A Monsoon of the Indian subcontinent is among the several geographically distributed observations of the global monsoons. In the subcontinent, it is one of oldest weather observations, an… … Wikipedia
Wet season — A wet season or rainy season is a season in which the average rainfall in a region is significantly increased. The term green season is also sometimes used as a euphemism by tourist authorities.These terms are commonly used describing the weather … Wikipedia
Monsoon — This article is about the seasonal winds. For other uses, see Monsoon (disambiguation). Part of the Nature series on … Wikipedia
Monsoon trough — August position of the ITCZ and monsoon trough in the Pacific Ocean, depicted by area of convergent streamlines in the northern Pacific The monsoon trough is that portion of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which extends into or through… … Wikipedia
monsoon — /mɒnˈsun / (say mon soohn) noun 1. any major wind system which reverses in direction seasonally, usually creating a difference between dry and rainy seasons. 2. a rainy season associated with a monsoon, as the wet season of northern Australia… …
monsoon forest — /mɒnsun ˈfɒrəst/ (say monsoohn foruhst) noun a semi deciduous tropical forest occurring in areas which experience a monsoon climate, marked by dry periods followed by torrential rain. One of the major biomes, monsoon forest is found in areas with …
wet — Synonyms and related words: Scotch mist, apish, asinine, asperge, batty, bedew, befooled, beguiled, besotted, bespatter, besprinkle, blood rain, bogginess, boggy, boozy, brainless, buffoonish, canned, cat and dog weather, cockeyed, crazy,… … Moby Thesaurus
monsoon — Synonyms and related words: air current, cat and dog weather, crosscurrent, current, current of air, dirty weather, downdraft, draft, fall wind, flow of air, following wind, head wind, indraft, inflow, inhalation, inrush, inspiration, jetstream,… … Moby Thesaurus
wet season — noun The part of the year when most of the rain falls. Syn: monsoon, monsoon season, rainy season Ant: dry season … Wiktionary
North American Monsoon — Summer monsoon clouds over the San Francisco Peaks, viewed from Mormon Lake, Northern Arizona. The North American monsoon, variously known as the Southwest United States monsoon, the Mexican monsoon, or the Arizona monsoon, is experienced as a… … Wikipedia