- well log data
геофизические исследования скважины
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
Log management and intelligence — Log Management (LM) comprises an approach to dealing with large volumes of computer generated log messages (also known as audit records, audit trails, event logs, etc). LM covers log collection, centralized aggregation, long term retention and… … Wikipedia
log — log1 loggish, adj. /lawg, log/, n., v., logged, logging. n. 1. a portion or length of the trunk or of a large limb of a felled tree. 2. something inert, heavy, or not sentient. 3. Naut. any of various devices for determining the speed of a ship,… … Universalium
well logging — the process or technique of recording a well log. * * * ▪ mining field technique used in mineral exploration to analyze the geologic formations penetrated by a drill hole. If the hole has been drilled by using coring techniques, the core… … Universalium
National Data Repository — A National Data Repository (NDR) is a data bank that seeks to preserve and promote a country’s natural resources data, particularly data related to the Petroleum E P industry. A National Data Repository is normally established by an entity that… … Wikipedia
Log ASCII Standard — (LAS) is a standard File format used commonly in the Oil and Gas Industry to store Log Curve Information. Well logging is used to create a more accurate understanding of the Stratigraphy of an area.A single LAS file can only contain data about… … Wikipedia
Data erasure — (also called data clearing or data wiping) is a software based method of overwriting data that completely destroys all electronic data residing on a hard disk drive or other digital media. Permanent data erasure goes beyond basic file deletion… … Wikipedia
Data-centric programming language — defines a category of programming languages where the primary function is the management and manipulation of data. A data centric programming language includes built in processing primitives for accessing data stored in sets, tables, lists, and… … Wikipedia
Log-structured file system — A log structured filesystem is a file system design first proposed by John K. Ousterhout and Fred Douglis. Designed for high write throughput, all updates to data and metadata are written sequentially to a continuous stream, called a log.… … Wikipedia
Data analysis — Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches,… … Wikipedia
Log-normal distribution — Probability distribution name =Log normal type =density pdf μ=0 cdf μ=0 parameters =sigma > 0 infty < mu < infty support = [0,+infty)! pdf =frac{1}{xsigmasqrt{2piexpleft [ frac{left(ln(x) mu ight)^2}{2sigma^2} ight] cdf =frac{1}{2}+frac{1}{2}… … Wikipedia